Unexpected Guests - Peter Parker

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(College AU? Like, he's still the same but they're both seniors in college at this point, far enough in to do internships and stuff. Morgan is 5 in this, so... let's pretend she was born only one year before everyone came back from the snap. Also, Tony doesn't die in Endgame he just got really injured, but he's alive and well.)

You woke up to a knock at the front door. Well- not your front door, but the front door of the apartment you were staying in that night. You shrugged it off and closed your eyes so you could go back to sleep, cuddling closer to your boyfriend that was lying next to you, his arm wrapped around your waist, holding you close. You relaxed into a moment of peace before there was another knock on the door. You let out a quiet groan, not wanting to wake Peter who was out cold beside you. You gently lifted his arm and slipped out of his grasp, him unconsciously whimpering at the loss of body heat and contact with you.

You slipped your feet into the slippers next to the bed, picked up Peter's T-shirt that had been flung on the ground after last night's activities, and pulled it over your naked body. You stood up, the T-shirt falling right at mid-thigh, and made your way through the apartment to the front door. Looking through the
peephole you saw a tall, blond woman, with her hair pulled back in a ponytail, wearing jeans and a white blouse. Something seemed familiar about her, so against your better judgment you undid the bottom lock, leaving the chain lock hooked, and opened the door. The woman looked up at you immediately, and a look of heavy confusion crossed her features.

"Hi," you yawned, reaching your hand up to cover your mouth. "How may I help you?"

"Oh. Uh... does Peter Parker still live here?"

"Yes..." She smiled with relief, as the look of confusion moved from her face to yours. "He's asleep right now... Um... Who are you exactly?"

"Oh! I'm so sorry I haven't introduced myself! I'm Pepper." The name rang a bell but you were still confused, so you raised an eyebrow at her. "Pepper Potts." Your eyebrows immediately rose in a look of surprise and recognition.

"Oh! I'm so sorry! One moment!" You quickly closed the door and unlocked the chain lock and opened the door. "Please come in!" You gestured to the couch.

"Thank you!" She stepped into the living room, and a small girl you hadn't been able to see earlier followed her in, clutching her arm tightly and looking at the ground. As you locked the door you looked down at what you were wearing, and fully processed that you were in the same room as one of the most important people in your boyfriend's life, meeting her for the first time, and you're wearing an oversized T-shirt.

"Please, make yourself comfortable, I'm just gonna run to the bedroom and wake up Peter, and change into something a little more appropriate." You chuckled a little and gave he an awkward smile. She sensed your nervousness and immediately tried to put you at ease.

"Don't worry, take whatever time you need, I know this visit is unexpected." She gave you a sympathetic smile, which you returned with a short nod before running upstairs.

You swiftly opened the door to your room and rushed over to the bed. You looked down at him sleeping peacefully, his hair stuck to his forehead, his lips parted slightly in a smile, and his eyes moving under his eyelids as he dreamed. You felt bad about having to wake him, but you didn't really have much of a choice. You gently sit down on the bed next to him and reach your palm to his cheek, he subconsciously leans into your hand and sighs, making you smile.

"Peter..." You lean down to kiss his forehead, hoping that would help him wake up. "Darling, you have to wake up." He simply leaned further into your hand, not getting any closer to waking up. You didn't want to be harsh while waking him up, so you moved your hand to his bicep and gave it a light squeeze. "Peter, honey, you have to wake up." This fails to wake him up, so you lightly shake his arm before leaning in to be closer to his ear while raising your voice slightly. "Peter, c'mon you have to get up." You saw movement under his eyelids as he let out a small noise. Realizing you didn't have the time to wake him up in the nice way you wanted to, you stayed close to his ear and harshly spoke, "Peter! Get up!" This finally woke him up, causing him to bolt upright in the bed, knocking his forehead against yours. You both groaned out due to the sudden collision, and newfound pain in your foreheads. "Jesus, Peter!"

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