Physician's Assistant - Stephen Strange

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*In this AU endgame happened but Tony and Nat are alive (Clint died instead, and everyone absorbed stone power like they did in guardians), also Steve didn't go back (actually is here til the end of the line)*

Making your way through the crowd of new people, you wondered why you had even come to this party. You knew that since you were a brand new member of the team, living on the compound, this would probably be the best way to get to know everyone since you really only knew Tony and Bruce considering they were the ones who actually interviewed and hired you. They had said something about them being tired of being the only doctors that were currently there 24/7 (Tony not so much anymore since he lived in his cabin with Pepper and Morgan). You had served in the peace corp as a doctor while you traveled abroad, helping those in need. You were an overly qualified trauma surgeon, but you also had decent combat experience, making you the perfect candidate to be the on-site doctor for the Avengers.

After a bit of mingling, you found a place talking with Steve, Bucky, and Sam, exchanging various war stories. You felt really comfortable with them, knowing that they understood your experiences and you understood theirs made it really easy to trust them. It probably didn't hurt that they were all incredibly attractive gentlemen, which is something you were quickly realizing you'd have to get used to. Everyone you had seen at the party so far - no matter what they identified as - was incredibly attractive, so you had to stop your heart from doing somersaults whenever any of them were even remotely nice to you. Opening up further with the boys made you realize how excited you were to get to know everyone and hopefully be integrated into this tight-knit family.

"One of the things that always made me crazy was how many times they told us not to have sex with each other. It was like, c'mon man, we're here to do our jobs, why do have to have this sex-ed speech at least once a month?" Sam asked laughing. Steve and Bucky kind of awkwardly smiled since they hadn't been in the military while full gender integration had been in place, but you on the other hand were laughing your ass off.

"Tell me about it! The only thing worse than hearing that speech once a month was having to be the one to give that speech once a month." You laughed and Sam quickly connected the dots.

"No!" He said laughing in disbelief.

"Yep! I promise however awkward it was for you, it was ten times more awkward for us. Having to tell grown adults to keep it in their pants on at least a monthly, if not weekly basis? God, it was probably the worst part of the job." You and Sam laughed before you felt a light tap on your shoulder. You turned around to see Bruce standing there with a tall, handsome, brunette man wearing casual dress pants and a white button-up shirt. Your breath caught in your throat for a brief moment but you quickly regained your composure, "Bruce! It's so good to see you!" You reached out for a hug, which he gladly accepted.

"Hey, Y/n." He said as you both pulled away from the hug. "I'd love to introduce you to my friend Stephen Strange, although, he goes by Doctor Strange when he's suited up." Bruce chuckled. You had quickly caught on that the saying 'When they're suited up' actually meant 'this is their super-hero name' so you were now having to remember two names for most of the people you were meeting tonight. "Stephen, this is Y/n, they're the new on-campus doctor and head of the infirmary." Bruce nodded to you, introducing you to Strange.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Stephen." You said as you outstretched your hand to shake his. "So, is the Doctor in your title just a fun name, or are you actually a Doctor?" You asked curiously.

"The Doctor is my actual title," he took your hand in his to shake it, "Doctor Stephen Strange, and it is a pleasure to meet you as well." He winked and you blushed slightly. "I've heard a lot about you and your experience," he said, "I'm sure this will all come as a change of pace for you." His tone seemed slightly off-putting to you, although you couldn't figure out why. Your face dropped for a split second, pulling your hand away before you plastered on a smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2022 ⏰

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