Chapter 4: Tested Loyalties

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Tested Loyalties

Predaking and the Eradicons charged into the fray, Predaking going for Optimus while the rest of Team Prime dealt with the Vehicons and Eradicons.  I stood still where I had landed, uncertain on what I should do as the battle raged around me.  Megatron had given me direct orders to defend the mine from anyone, but I knew in my spark I could never willingly harm any of the Autobots.  So, as a means to both ends, I took up a position at the mouth of the mine, putting as many Decepticons between myself and the Autobots.  I hoped that the Autobots would give up, but I knew that the team had been running low on Energon for a while.  I had no idea what had happened with the mission concerning Silas and the laser satellite, but given there were no injured members I assumed the mission had gone well.

I crouched at the entrance to the mine, watching as the Autobots plowed through the Vehicons and Eradicons like there were paper.  The rank and file soldiers of the Decepticon warship had always been poor shots and even worse servo-to-servo fighters, meaning they never really stood a chance.  Before too long the only ones left were Predaking and myself, the draconic Predacon backing up step by step as the Autobots drove him towards me.  He fell in at my side and roared defiantly against the Autobots, though as they formed a semi-circle around us they halted their advance.  I guessed the prospect of facing two Predacons at the same time was something they were not happy about doing.

Optimus stepped forward, his battle mask shielding his faceplate as he aimed his revolving cannon at us, “Predaking.  Leave now and you will be spared.  We are taking this mine, and if you persist we will be forced to go through you.”  The cannon began rotating but had yet to fire.

Predaking hissed like a steam vent, but I saw in his movements he wasn’t prepared to face the entirety of Team Prime with only me to back him up.  He roared at them once, and fired a fireball over their helms as he pumped his massive wings.  He took to the skies and I let out a whimper of fright as the Autobots focused on me.  My wings flared as my instincts told me to fly, but as the rest of Team Prime aimed their blasters at me something surprising happened.

Optimus raised his free servo and we all looked at him in shock as he put away his cannon.  His battle mask slid back as he inspected me with his blue optics, and I crouched in uncertainty as he took a step forward.  I hissed in warning but it sounded half-hearted even to myself, and as Optimus took another step I found my peds stepping back the same amount.

“What are you doing Optimus?” Arcee asked as she looked at the Prime in confusion, “This is a Decepticon, and a Predacon at that!  We should take it out before Megatron can use it against us!”

The others murmured their agreement, but Optimus shook his helm slowly, his gaze locked with mine as he continued to step towards me, “There is something about this one that tells me she will not harm us.  I am uncertain what this feeling is being created by, but in my spark I know this beast will not harm us.”

As he continued to advance on me I continued to step back, my wings flared and my optics uncertain as my haunches bumped against the opening to the mine.  I hissed again as he stepped up to within arm’s reach, but once he was there he simply looked at me.  The tension in the air was so thick I could feel it in my metallic bones, but I froze as Optimus reached up with a servo and touched me directly between my optics.  I froze as the rest of Team Prime tensed, expecting an attack, but even with my standing orders, I couldn’t bring myself to do it.  My wings folded slowly as my body loosened, and a deep rumbling purr escaped my muzzle before I knew what I was doing.

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