Persuading the Deciding Vote

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Dick fluttered his eyes and nuzzled Jason's neck as he enjoyed the soft touch of Jason's fingertips grazing his chest wound. He hummed appreciatively as Jason's caress moved down his chest and traced his healing abdomen.

"You got a thing for wounds Little Wing?" Dick asked blissfully as they cuddled on the sofa after their sexual bliss. Jason huffed into Dick's hair and brought their intertwined right hands to his lips.

"I just have a thing for you Dickiebird," Jason mumbled and brought Dick even closer into their embrace.

"Such a sap." Dick cooed and smiled in appreciation as his heart bloomed. "I love you."

Jason's movements ceased immediately after Dick's sudden confession and the acrobat gently and cautiously pulled away. The fear that Jason watched him with had Dick cupping his face and smiling sadly.

"It's okay. You don't have to say it back." Dick assured him and let Jason grasp his hands and lower them to touch in his lap. Dick followed Jason's movements as he tipped his head down against his chest in guilt and cupped their hands together.

"You deserve it said back though," Jason told him and squeezed his eyes shut. He clenched his jaw and Dick shuffled forward and pressed his lips against Jason's chin.

"I can wait Little Wing." Dick smiled at him brightly and brushed the lettered scar on his cheek delicately.

"For how long?" Jason asked in a vulnerable state that Dick was terrified he could shatter with a needle, and have Jason withdraw from him and everyone around them.

"Jason," Dick called to him and waited for him to look at him. "I would wait forever for you."

Jason looked at Dick as if he was looking at him for the first time. Jason wrapped his arms around Dick and he soon found himself perched on Jason's lap and hugging his head to his chest.

"One day," Jason mumbled into him and tightened his hold on Dick. "I can't promise it will be one day soon, but-"

Dick hushed Jason and hummed a tune that they were both familiar with. Jason's lips twisted upwards and Dick hugged Jason lovingly.


Dick hadn't realised he had fallen asleep until he was roused by the smell of the promise of a greasy breakfast. He lifted his head from the couch where his head lay and padded towards the kitchen. He leaned against the arched opening and smiled comfortably. Jason was precisely flipping eggs and bacon with skill Dick had never been able to establish at Alfred's instruction. Dick could get used to having someone to wake up to. Someone to cuddle after a hard day. He pushed himself forward offering Jason a hearty greeting as he perched himself on the island. Jason grunted in response, Dick humming appreciatively at the offered mug of coffee Jason presented to him.

"How's your chest?" Jason asked after he watched Dick closely as he took a sip from his mug. Dick ran a finger over the bandage Jason had helped him with after the bout of heavenly orgasms on the sofa.

"It's fine, Jason," Dick assured him and placed his coffee to the side. He cupped Jason's face and pulled him forward to peck his lips. Dick blinked and ran his tongue across his top lip at the taste of deliciousness. "Have you been secretly eating bacon while I've been sleeping?"

"It's possible," Jason smirked and unsurprisingly allowed Dick to kiss and taste him again. Jason clasped readily at Dick's hip, coaxing him to submit to Jason's roaming touch.

"OH! For the love of- Do you mind?!" A voice exclaimed in pure horror and disgust.

Dick and Jason pulled apart slightly, glancing over to see Tim, bright red like a ripe tomato, arms waving around trying to conceal- what he would describe as a 'horror show'- from his sight. Dick caught Jason licking his lips, face smug at causing Tim great discomfort.

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