All Eyes on You

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   "Let's get started." The policeman said to Max and his parents. Max was sitting very uncomfortably while his mother and father across the table were sitting expressionless, although their son can sense their feeling, Max knew they were as mad as they have ever been before. They were sitting in an unsettling, cold, and empty room with a metal table and chairs. Max started to sweat, he was anxious though tried to seem calm.

The officer has already gotten the parents point of view before he arrived to talk about the case, and now it's Max's turn to explain his and confirm to his parents clarifications.

"Imala and Jatin [insert last name], as claimed, last time seen both of you were having an argument with the child?"

"Yes." said his father. Max was surprised they were telling the truth.

"Maxwell? Is this true?" The officer asked the boy, looking at him.

"..Yes." Max answered, then glanced at his parents. It was the first time they had all made eye contact before running away. Max looked back down at the table. He was afraid to keep more eye contact.

"Maxwell, is it true that the argument ended with some.. discipline? Such as hitting and slapping with a belt?"

"Yes." He replied.

"Is that why you ran away?", the officer asked while the boys parents looked at him again. Max could feel the stares from his parents.

"Should I lie? Do they want me to? They'll send me home if I do. Fuck, I just want to get this over with. If I tell the truth, maybe I won't have to be with my parents anymore.."

"...Yes" Said Max before he paused. His mothers and fathers face changed. "...but, it wasn't as severe as it seems. They only disciplined me because I wouldn't clean up the mess I made. I have to admit, I just made a big deal out of it. I was childish and dramatic, so I thought it was a good idea to run away. Which seems like the stupidest choice I ever made now that look back at it."

Max lied. He only forgot to clean up his mess. He never refused to. His plan was to go along to what his parents would want him to do and he would go with his parents opinion. He started to fidget with his fingers nervously under the table.

The officer looked at his parents. "He refused to clean up his mess?"

Max looked at his mother and father. He signaled them to just play along with his lie. He really didn't have to though. His parents thought the boy refused to do what he said in the first place anyway.

"Yes, although, I did what any parent would do to put up with him." His father said in his defense.

The officer nodded, "I believe you trust me. I have kids of my own they do the would same and claim to "run away". The kid admitted. Although you guys need to work on handling these types of troublemaking kids. He was just like this back at his summer camp. My coworkers had to constantly go over there. I've been told it's mainly the kids reason.", Max rolled his eyes.

"But I would say this case is closed. This kid should need some.. behavioral changes. I'll leave it up to you parents. He should be lucky enough we won't send him to be fixed up ourselves. You are all dismissed." The officer said carelessly.

Max was confused, the officer didn't exactly take this seriously. He was then angry and anxious. He got up from his chair and towards the door, where he felt his parents hands on his back . The boy was more scared. A police woman opened the door from the hallways and gave the parents instructions. Max stared at the floor thinking, "What's gonna happen now?"


"11:24 a.m.", the clock read. David and Gwen had been sleeping on the couch. They woke up with messy hair, melted ice cream spilled, Gwen taken most of the couch squishing David, and snoring loudly. Oakley had woke them up.
David still felt horrible. He didn't exactly have the brightest face like he usually had every morning when he woke up. He had no energy even though it was the only time David had slept in. And as for Gwen, she woke up like David did. That's pretty much how she does everyday.

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