Part 9:Palace of food

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Rimuru and the others have just landed when their bumped into and sent flying to the floor rimuru sliding over the edge without even thinking Chloe grabs rimuru's hand and pulls him up

Rimuru:thank you



RENJI:Isn't CHAN  something you use for woman Rimuru I can understand  given his appearance but me

Hikifune:I'll be entertaining you all

Hikifune is cooking like crazy slamming bowl and plates full of food on the giant table rimuru and Chloe look at each other and back at hikifune who continues this

Rukia:umm excuse me but what are you doing

Renji:she said entertained I assumed she meant work us to the bone

Chloe:but she's giving us food

Rimuru:looks good


Rimuru holds Kon who tried to sneak attack Chloe rimuru brings Kon up to his face

Rimuru:you touch her and I'll eat you

Kon screams in fear easily able to tell that rimuru isn't joking

Kon:let's go eat the food shall we Hehe hehehe

Chloe:is it really ok

Renji:I doubt they'd give us all this for free

Chloe:I don't think the money that I have can be used here

Rimuru:it may look good but maybe it's secretly something else

Hikifune:you were Ichigo kurosaki right

Rimuru:that's right

Hikifune:seems  either kisuke or some past experience with food has made you suspicious

Rimuru remembers what shions cooking used to be like comparing that to urahara it's a no contest

Hikifune:don't be worried Gaston palace is the FOOD PALACE my job is to fill your bellies and YOUR JOB IS TO FILL YOUR BELLIES come in eat as much as you like I'm sure your incredibly hungry


Rukia:I'M sorry brother but i must forget my manners this once

Chloe looks towards rimuru as if asking if he thinks it's safe rimuru shrugs and walks towards the food followed by Chloe and Kon just jumps right in as they all begin eating

Hikifune:oh what energy keep eating I'll go prepare Desert

Ciel:oh the food is imbued with excessive amount of Magicules


Ciel:the Magicules are mixing with your own and increasing your own output

Rimuru:awesome but is it safe



Leaning over to Chloe

Rimuru:Chloe eat as much as you can got it

Chloe looks towards rimuru wondering what he means

Rimuru: the food is filled with Magicules I don't really know how but it's mixing with our own and making us stronger

Rimuru whispers this in her ear

Chloe trusting rimuru eats more

Renji:huh what's the deal why'd you tell her to eat more

Rimuru:well the food seems to be filled with reishi so eating it it seems to mix with our own and make us stronger and in your cases help your bodies

Hikifune:your right I see you caught on

A busty version of hikifune walks out the door as Chloe and rukia chopsticks snap in half and rimuru feeling a shiver run up his spin faces down towards the food eating as renji just stares

Hikifune:of course your right our ceremonies here are filled with the power of the soul king and a million years of the history of the soul society now just be quite and and eat so that none of you die in the next palace that said HERE ENJOY DESSERT IF YOU CAN STILL EAT

Hikifune points to a gaint cake behind her


hikifune:oh that's right I forgot to tell you lot didn't I when I cook I end up using my own Reiatsu so when I've finished cooking I end up losing a lot of weight so I have to get as far as possible her my body can't handle it


The group are now getting ready to go to the next palace before hikifune stops them

Hikifune:Renji CHAN, Rukia CHAN, Rimuru Chan, Chloe CHAN be careful  I said that our ceremonies are filled with a million years of history of the soul society all of us members of squad zero are people who created something in soul society in other words the soul king acknowledged that all of us our a part of soul society history  what I created was the temporary soul the the technique to Incorporating them inside the body before I created it the idea of the temporary soul didn't exist it's thanks to the concept of artificial souls that the gikongan was invented the essence of the artificial soul is to take something with completely separate Reiatsu than ours and incorporate it inside our body to raise our power level you just ate food with the same idea now your bodies should contain a completely different kind of Reiatsu than I hope you can sense it but be careful I don't know what that man will do in the next palace Quetsu Nimaiya of the Houou palace is the man who created the Zanpakuto

To be continued

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