part 73:the end

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Rimuru is back in his office a smile on his face even though it took a bit to calm down shion everything is fine now as rimuru sits down and begins doing his work

Rimuru:mmm hmmm mmm

Ciel:harry Potter correct

Rimuru:ya know you don't need to guess what I'm humming and I only got three notes how did.... You cheated didn't you

Ciel:.... False


Ciel:please calm down and do you work


Shuna:rimuru sama I have some tea for you

Rimuru:you're getting away with it this time

Smug Ciel noises

Shuna come in holding a tray with cancer cup on it as she sets it in front of rimuru who happily drinks it

Rimuru:thank you

Shuna:hehe is it alright it's a new flavor we got yesterday

Rimuru:oh it's great

One week later

The girls are in a room talking to each other those girls being Rukia, Orhime, Ciel, Shuna, shion, shizue and Chloe as the all gain smiles and Ciel just looks smug

Time skip

Shuna has given rimuru his tea as he finishes his work


Veldora is walking down the street reading manga until he bumps into someone

Ramiris:WATCH IT.... OH sensei what are you reading now

Veldora:HAHAHA Its a fun little story about a bla bla bla bla

Ramiris:*Exited* BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA

That's what gobta hears as he hides from hakurou that is until someone slams into him as a blonde girl in a school girl out fit walks up to them

Carrera:hehe y

Ultima:this is my job

Carrera turns around to see ultima glaring at her as the two begin argue carrera saying its her job because she got the thief first and ultima arguing this with her job given to her by rimuru gobta attempt to tip toe away bumping into hakurou

Hakurou:and where are you going

Gobta:old man!?

Hakurou:old man... Perhaps I should teach you manners

Hakurou begins to unsheathe his sword



Rimuru has finished his tea and work getting up and heading to his home that he had built walking in he sees shizue and Chloe working to make dinner looking to the side rimuru sees rukia and orhime trying to set flowers everywhere and to the side shion and shuna

Rimuru:wait how did she get here she was just... Did she use spacial magic... But why I don't understand it

Shuna and shion are cleaning working very hard so that it is spotless

Rimuru:... Umm

The girls all stop and look at rimuru

Ciel:.... Ta da

Rimuru:what... Uh.... What is this

Ciel:...... Something we planned

Orihime:we uh... Hope you like it

Soon enough dinner is served and rimuru is sitting next to Ciel as looking somewhat always still trying to figure out why this is happening

The next day

Benimaru:rimuru sama what's... Wrong you look... Odd

Rimuru is sitting at his desk trying to work but he's also trying to think about why the girls decided to work so hard on dinner...

Rimuru:I'm... Just... Trying to figure something out don't worry about it

Benimaru:if you're sure rimuru sama

Rimuru:I am

Benimaru goes back to what he was doing as rimuru leans back in his seat thinking he hears Ciel let out a disappointed sigh

Rimuru:what what was that about

Ciel:it's nothing just your imagination

Rimuru:..... Um... Alright

Ciel has realized to get rimuru to notice the feelings that those girls all have for him they're going to have to work harder

Ciel:such a dense husband I have yet I love him all the same

Rimuru:what was that

Ciel:it was nothing I'm just thinking


Ciel:should you not force on your work at this rate it won't be done until tomorrow morning

Rimuru:GUA give me a break already

Rimuru quickly gets back to work hurrying through the paper work at incredible speed as Ciel let's out a soft laugh at Rimuru's actions Ciel decides to help rimuru or else they will be stuck here going over the paper work for anything rimuru has missed

For the most part everything has returned to normal

The end

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