Pox Rocks

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Drawing Ruby in my art style do do doo~

Thank you to everyone who has been reading my book. It does mean a lot to me. I have redesigned the character I showed in the past chapter because I thought they looked too much like Trina, and also had self-promotion at the bottom.
Anyways let's get on with the story.

Ruby's POV

Laney, Kin, Kon, and I were looking at the record Kin brought over.

Laney: So it spins and music just plays?

Kin: Yup, it came before CDs.

He gets the CD that was being used to hold a can of soda.

Kon: You mean coasters?

Me: What magical device came before records?

Kin: Nothing. I think it was just recorded.

The garage door opened showing Corey with red spots all over him as he is scratching.

Corey: Good news! I've got chickenpox!

Laney: How is that good news? We can't play gigs if you're all poxed up!

Corey: Exact kind of thinking that keeps us poxers down, we need to bring awareness that the pox rocks! So we're throwing a party!

Me: Dude that stuff is extremely contagious!

Kon: The chickenpox isn't contagious, my new dance moves are. See!

He starts doing a dumb dance and getting Kin involved with this crime to nature. Red dots start to appear on Kon, then they transfer to Kin.

Kin: Come on, contagion!

Kin pokes Laney and Kon pokes me, now we all have chickenpox.


Laney: Look! They're already spreading! Core! No one will come to this party knowing they will get chickenpox!

Corey: Then why is it already happening?

The garage door opens to see all of our classmates with chickenpox already spreading to them. All of them were excited.

Corey: I told them I'd give them the pox and they would get a week off school. What could go wrong?

Me: You just cursed us.

ChickenPox are itchy

Some time passes and everything is set up and Corey is giving a speech as almost everyone is doing a conga line but they're scratching each other's backs. I don't pay attention, cuz I'm looking for two people, but it's kinda hard to look in the big crowd.

Laney: Ya know Core, rocking the pox might be easier with, ya know lyrics!

Corey: Don't harsh the party 'Mellow' why do you have to bust our 'bubble'

Me: What kind of foreshadowing did you just do?

Corey: Huh, I thought it was more of a pun. Anyways, I need you to get your camera and record the experience!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2022 ⏰

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