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From picture from gacha-club


Enjoy le shit UwU👌


This word can mean many things. Depending on what it is. Squealing children jumping on their parents bed. Even if a hundred times they said they musn't.

Or a simple phrase, a young boy just a few years later. "Take a leap of faith, you don't know unless you try." His mother said patting his shoulder. The green beans still stared back at him cold.

Or but the same phrase pointed at a different scenario just over a few years. "William! Come on you can do it. I believe in you." The owner of the voice leaning on a tile wall. Arms crossed on his bare chest,and a playful smirk on his face. His green eyes hide behind thick spectacles, tracing his friend on the platform of a swimming pool. " Uuuuh no mate, nope I rather- oh fu--frinng." The British boy blurts while still hauled on the jumping beam. As if his life depended on it. " fring?" The same smirking boy questioning(teasing) the britsh boy's childish fit. "Oh my Gosh Henry stop you know my mother-," "will have your head if she knew you cursed, yes I know." The other boy known as 'Henry' cut him off. Eye rolling and an obviously annoyed Henry stomps his way to the edge of the Olympic pool and up the ladder. The chalky white paint, rough on his finger tips. Needs a better paint job. On the top he saw the other boys shaky legs dangling on the platforms eves. "Here let me help." Henry says slowly sluggly dragging himself to the other male. "First time I've ever seen a cat on a jumping board," Henry says putting claw-hands in the air, like a cat would do to cord of string. "Why you- ahh shit we're going to fall!" The Englishman sreamed. "WILLAIM!!!" Henry yelled, as he said that William slips with only to arms for support. Holding with all might William grips so firmly, the cheap paint smudged away, leaving the smooth yellow-wood behind. Henry Emily, you are so screwed if I fall,William thought. As if reading his mind Henry said "I'm not going to, here hold my hand." Arm outstretched, Henry grasps the pale arms of his angered friend. Heart beating out his chest; duming to his ears. William hauls to the Americans forearms, lifting and swinging his thin legs up to cause some sort of momentum. Quickly William was jolted on the platform and onto Henrys bare chest. After some time and thought, both males realised their position. Heat risen on the thin cheek bones of the Englishman, burning embarrassment overloaded. William pulls back hastily "U-mm thanks," William strutted. "No pr-problem," Henry blurted after.

Time flys by on the young striving years. Reality hitting them with adult chattles.

"Shit is really hitting the fan, fuck why can't you just -BLOODY DO YOUR OWN WORK!!" Those words climbed  across the walls of the pizzeria. The humid yet still clean room lies a British man. The words escaped from his mouth to a laid-back individual. The worker didn't take intrest to what the Raven head was saying. Not caring, just taking note of her nails. Severely looking time to time to the furious man organ her. As her boss yelled picketing words. She stared at him as if he spoke a foreign language. The worker simply ignored his complaints about her and walked out showing the finger. "YOUR NOT COMING IN HERE AGAIN! YOU HEAR MEEE! NEVER! YOUR FIRED!"

William had enough of the constant rattle he had to given to lazy workers, giving thier own work to poor old Jeremy who already has his work on his plate. 'The crew' even tries to help but as they say "you can't help eveybody". They also had shifts to do.
Hell even William helped a few times without realising until then.

Rambling non-stop, William mutters curses. On cue Henry enters the room all greesy like he won a war. Not once rubbing the smug look on his face. "You wouldn't believe- oh.." The cheerful prance fading. Seeing his friend glum growls egress. Noticing Henrys encounter William said "Another worker-" "fired" Henry finished the sentence. "Yeah" William sighed. Huffing the breath he held.

William looked to the ground. "Henry do you think I'm to in denial, I know I can get a bit tempered-" "No, please William don't say that about yourself-" now it was Williams turn to interpret. "But it's true, Clara won't talk to me anymore. My kids even. I get so distraught through the day, I put it on my family and on you!" William paused, his fumes of irritation subsiding. Henry tilts his head to one side like a confused dog, but his eyes a different story. Filled with concern.

59 years later

Gold laced among fingers, it was beautiful. Brimmed perfectly around Williams one solid finger. Enveloped underneath the ring read yours truly and forever.

"Henry, darling watch the kids for me~"

And with that said William took his leap.


;w; it sucks I know

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