*Insert good title* part 3

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Credits to meme (we need dem chuckles) comment a (😂)if you get it/somewhat laughed alittle

Random child promotion
(You deserve it for de cute willry book) legit follow dis child or ⬇️

Charlie Chapman 😂
(Only this user would get it)
Plus follow them aswell or⬇️

➡️De baby Axolotls die 🔫*^*

You wouldn't want that...right?

o'-'o beware of nootmare


Same as the the last shapter oneshot🐰🔫o'w'o

Anywaayyyy.....on with the chap-chap owo

*relises bunny Will has different fur/hair colour, than the other first few chapters*


I tap my fingers on the office table in boredem, It's been just been over an hour since my work shift was over. Yesterday seemed to be a make-shift imagination. Half realising that the fluff-ball is actually real.

The little bundle of couch pillows resamble a bed, to the one side of the room. A cotten blue marooned blanket layered over it. In the warm nest lies a little long haired creature. It's paws curl below him, as he nestles to the warm fibers of the blanket.

I clunch my chest at the sight of the cute animal. Damn did the rabbit demon curse me with his forever cuteness (XD) .

After the aching happiness and small squeals of enjoyment. I settle to my composure. I relax in the cushions of the office chair, making it whine as it leans back. Cupping my hands together, I frowned in thought. Could I even keep a wild rabbit in a household; not eating furniture; alone; in the dark or even breathing. (Why I laughing while writing this😂)

Bunny will-wills pov.

Theres another animal in the house, but it's confusing the living shit out of me, It's squawking madly to my direction. (Try guess 😂)I was just sleeping peacefully, and now a struggled chicken is dying. I scornfully open an eye to the subject of the noise.

The wallowing soon stopped, when I fully awoke from my slumber. My mind fuzzy, as my vision slowing stopped spinning. The floor is still, as I hop my way to the other living being. Alittle journey on the wooden cold planks, I kind of miss the warm bed, but the solved answer to the chicken animal is right in front of me. When the humans leather shoe came to view, I started pawing at it. He didn't respond. I nose dived, only then did the mortal respond to my pain ;-; (got to say William is kind of a dom-kop)

As I chatter in agony, the other being gathers me up in his arms. Chuckling at my stupidity, he settles me down onto the desk. "You did on purpose didn't  you, you piece of horse shit." I sigh knowing he won't understand me-

Wh-why am I flying, spinning like thrown football, I land on the soft baring couch. The fuck is his problem. My nose twitches, sensitive to whipped air blown to my face. "What the did I do to you, that made you throw me across the room!" I scolded him.

"Y-you talking that is!?" He screams in question. "Why you- wait you can understand me!" I screech back. "I'm either going into complete madness or this is a fucked up dream." When said the latter slaps his face multiple times. " "No you an't dreaming, and stop slapping yourself you idoit." I reply while standing on my hind-legs. "That's what people in a dream would say." He raves his arms in the air in frustration. I face palm " You felt physical pain when slapping yourself. Right?" "Yes, and?" He scrunches his face in confusion. I roll my eyes " That's  like point number one that you're not dreaming". From that moment, nothing was said. An odd awkward silence. Just staring.


Narrater pov.

The taller figure walks to the smaller. "Well..so I guess if we can comunicate, then my names Henry" Henry says to the rabbit, lending his arm to shake. "William" the rabbit replied taking the humans hand. Lightly in motion the both of them hand or in more of hand- paw shake.


Don-don O'w'o

My oc(original character) bows for thy shit chapter💩


Dom-kop- translated means "dumb head/dummy" from Afrikaans (my mother tongue UwU, a language in South Africa🇿🇦)

Plus I sacrificed my last day of holiday to write dis for y'all. You welcome 😀👌

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