0. Intoduction

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Y/n , she is a normal high school girl she has a bubbly and kind personality therefore she has many friends at her school and because she is pretty there are many haters too but she and her little savage side don't give an f about them.

But she is not alone because she has amazing friends and an amazing mother right by her side whenever anything is troubling her. Her mother is someone she sees as role model because she think the way she handled everything after her father suddenly disappeared was something that a strong and brave person can do and not many people couldn't have done it in that kind of situation.

And her father, he suddenly disappeared when she was very young. She doesn't remember much and never got to now the reason Behind it but from all that she remembered is that he was a very good man. After her dad disappeared they moved away to the other city the same week too.

And lastly an another very important (and annoying) person in her life. Her best friend , luna. She is an extrovert and a party person.  If there's a party in the town she is the first to know.
She meet luna in her middle school. Y/n wasn't very talkative back then but luna opened a new side of her which shocked everyone.

And any of the characters in this story have nothing to do with the real life.
Anything happening in this story will not happen in real life as it is just an story made up by me for the viewer satisfaction and plus it is purely pure.
The story line is all mine and i had no experience as this is my first story so if you don't like it i am sorry but I cannot do any thing about that haha.
Hope you understand and enjoy your story. ✌🏻

Okie now i am going to start the story from the next episode <333
teehee ^_^

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