1.New start

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Time- 8:30 am
Location- y/n's house

'Don't forget to pack you toothbrush'

'Don't worry mom i have already packed it'

'Ok then hurry up everyone is waiting for you downstairs'

'Yea mom just a moment'

Today is the day i will transfer to my new high school. I loved the old one too and people were very lovely too but i had always dreamed to go in this school.

'Hey y/n aren't you nervous?'  luna asked.

' well...... OF COURSE I AM !!!'

'No need to yell gurlll'

'I will seriously miss you a lot'

'Obviously you will we have been together since middle school and if anything happens just remember i am a phone call away and i will miss you too'

'y/n i think the cab is outside and is waiting for you'

'Yes mom'

Now i am standing in front of the cab and facing my house door and while waving them goodbye i sit inside the cab. I am nervous. I have never felt this free and far from my family. Their is this weird tingling feeling inside my chest.

Time- 11:00 am
Location- seoul high school

And we are here. This city is huge i just hope I don't get lost. Wait... yes! This IS the high school. This is huge i heard the dorm is supposed to be inside the school. Lets go inside and see. I should talk to that older person over there.

'Hey excuse me sir can you please help me find the way to the girls dorm ?

'Yes sure ! This way please'. He extended his arm forward to show me the way.

'And here we are. Would you like me to help you find you room too ?'

'No sir i would be just fine. Thanks for help me the find my way'.

'My pleasure'.

'Sure sir'.

' and by the way i am Bander you can call me that and my job is dorm management. If you have any problems just with me or mrs. chester over there' he said pointing finger at a black haired lady probably in her late 30s.

'Got it mr. Bander' i said with a smile on my face.

We made it. "Is this supposed to be the room" I muttered to my self and looked again at the key with the room number written on it with the bold black marker.

As i was about to open the door someone pushed it forward making me stumble and fall.

'Omg omg are you okay ?'. The voice sounded like a girls voice.

'I am so sorry'. The girl spoke again.

'No it's fine. It doesn't hurt" i said.
"It actually does hurt a bit not gonna lie tho"

"I am still very sorry. Let me help you. Here take my hand". She said while extending her hand toward me.

"Thanks a lot"

Now i was standing in front of her. She is just about my height. "She is so pretty i wish i looked like her" I thought. She has curly brown hair, Hazel eyes , long lashes , perfect sized lips and you can just say she looked perfect to me.

"Hey my name is scarlet and yours ?" She

So her name is scarlet. I think it's a really pretty name.

"Oh that's a really pretty name. My name is y/n"

"We share the same room. Yay! We are roommates." She said jumping excitedly.

" yay!!" I said returning the same energy.

Being honest i am happy i am going to be roommates with someone like her not only because she is pretty but also 'cause she has a really positive energy surrounding her and it made feel just like home. Ugh ! now i miss them.

"Shall we go inside ?'' She said raising an eyebrow.

"Yep lets go" i said following behind her.

"Make yourself comfortable you are going to be here for 3 more years so yeah" she said.

"Nice i like it. It's small but pretty cosy and give positive vibes just like you" i said admiring the room as i placed my bag on the bunk bed next to a huge window. It had amazing view and especially because my room is on 5th floor.

"Oh thanks!!" She smiled.

"Wait i gotta call my mom. She told me to do it once i am in the dorm". I said walking to the window with my mobile phone in the hand.


I hope you guys like it. I was really eager to post this from a very long time so i hope you like it and i get a nice response 😊❤️
Please don't forget to comment and tell me how you like it.
Teehee <33

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