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Kaede's pov:

What does shuichi see in Kokichi? As his best friend -eventhoughhedoesn'tagreewithmebeinghisbestfriend-
I think I that I should look more into this

There he is. He is just standing there like a total loser

——-Kokichi's mind——
Why is she staring at me!!??

I'll walk over to him

"Heyyy, coc- uh coke ishi?"
"Um it's actually pronounced-"
"Whatever Jared" I interrupted "so what do you normally do" he is probably gonna say something poor like put a gold fish on top of a chunk of rise and call it sushi

"I like to go to the park and eat some snacks there"
He really is basic, who is he y/n from a fanfic?
"Right I'll come along, feel honored"

We walk into a store
"Hello Mrs.Cox"  he greeted the old lady
"Oh well greetings kokichi" she welcomed
"Pffft" I try not to laugh "Mrs. Cock"
"H-Hey that's not nice, I mean it's kinda funny but it's not that nice!" he lectured
"Whatever you say Harold"
"It's Koki-"
"Lalalalala I can't hear you!" I covered my ears

We went shopping for some snacks and went to the park.
"Oh I'll be right back"he left
I still can't see what's so good in this loser. He is just a nerd and so annoying
"I'm back" he ran over to me holding some ice cream. "here take some" he offered
"Ice cream makes you fat"
"And? What's wrong with that? Every body is beautiful no matter how much you weight. I can promise you, no one is going to notice changes. Don't be worried over eating a lot or not one bad day won't fuck you up. It won't ruin anything so you should stop feeling like shit. I'm glad you want to eat healthy but eat more"

I was speechless but I grabbed the ice cream
"Why what?" He asked
"Why are you being so kind to me when all I've done to you is treat you like shit" I have so many questions running through my head why would he do this?

"I don't know but what I do know is that you need to enjoy that strawberry ice cream!"  I laughed
"Thank you" I smiled at him

Later on we heard some chirping

"What is that?" I asked "It's so fucking annoying"
"I don't know let's go check"
We follow the noise and found out that it was a baby bird that fell from its nest
"It fell from its nest"
"Well no shit Sherlock, hurry up and put it back up"
He looked confused
"Kaede, I'm 5'1. We are talking about a tree and a nest" I nod
"Uh huh... go on"
"Kaede im short"

"How am I supposed to climb it"
"Here" he gave me his belt "wrap it around the tree and climb"
I did so and climbed, I set the bird in the nest
"Hey you aren't looking at my panties are you"
"Yes, nice cock" I laugh and climb down "I was kidding no I was not looking at your underwear" he assured me

"The baby bird looks so adorable"
"Just like you" I blush
"Oh here" he gave me a kandi bracelet "I was going to give it to one of my friends but I just thought that maybe you would want it"

He is really kind, and even after I've been an asshole to him. This is confusing

"I- ..... Fuck you! You weirdo ew why would I even want it" I took the bracelet and ran away

Kokichi's pov
I smile
Well I hope she liked it

???? Pov
*the noise of a camera is heard*
Wonderful shot, the blond one can be used too. Oh this is going to turn out wonderful I can't wait

Kaede akamatsu: one of the most popular and prettiest girl in our school
-is close friends with shuichi and rantaro
-she is also known of being rich,maybe she is nice...nvm I just saw her kick rantaro and shuichi they probably said something bad or perverted....yeah they did 
- she really likes animals
She is also someone who bullies me
-sadly she is insecure

Sooo long time no see. Sad news I left the fandom but I'm coming back little by little
So slow updates but right now I'm going to try to update more. Anyways goodbye remember you are loved 💕
Fanfic senpai will now say goodbye

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