Unexpected cafe date

781 19 23

Miu's POV

Well today was the day I am going on a date with innocent cute purple boy, he is so cute oh I should tell kiibo I bet he will be surprised

3:47pm 🔋
    Bitch número uno

Miu: bitch guess what
Kiibo: for the last time my name is kiibo
Miu: whatever you say biatch anyways guess what
Kiibo: no
Miu: I'm going on a date
Kiibo: okay and?
Miu: wow okay not even some excitement for your favorite friend
Kiibo: omg rlly I cant believe it, is he cute omg omg omg girl I can't believe it I'm so happy #happy #bff #sorelatable #iactuallydontgivetwosharts 🤩😍🤪😝😂
Miu: everything was good until you put the pornstar emoji
Kiibo: I-
Kiibo: just go and get ready
Miu: okay

Time skip

As I went to the cafe I then saw him. He was wearing a black hoodie
"Don't you have anything else than black clothing you emo"
"S-sorry" he looked down
"Stop it!"
"I'm sorry!!" He put his hands up covering his face as if I was gonna hit him. He probably gets bullied and why do i feel bad like I feel sad for him while everything is going good for me
"Let's just go inside already" I grabbed his hand and started walking, he blushed of course he would getting to hold hands by a beautiful gorgeous girl like me

Oma's mind
Why is she holding my hand!! Is she going to kidnap me I hope not! Okay oma stay cool maybe if I act like if I'm blushing she will feel pity? Aaaaaaahhh

As we enter to the cafe I asked him what he wanted obviously I was gonna pay. That guy looked like if he had no money
"Hurry up and order you emo nerd"
"I w-will have a ..... chocolate cupcake with some hot chocolate" hot chocolate? What a loser ha! Well get ready to be charmed by my matureness
"What a loser anyways I want uh" I look at his face. Is he crying! Shit! Oh no did I make him sad did me calling him a loser actually offended him uhh okay what can I do

Oma's mind
Why is this happening to me I want to go home

"I want a slice of chocolate cake and also hot chocolate" I said I couldn't let Oma cry I felt guilty

We sat down and got our desserts
"Hey cockichi can I try some of your hot chocolate"
"Uh s-sure I g-guess"

Kiibo's pov
I start swinging on the swing, yes I am at the park I then see a girl she had white hair and lots of hair clips, she looks like someone who I do not wish to- crap! she noticed me! Oh shit we made eye contact no we are still making eye contact! Shit! Shit!

"Hello Is there a problem with how I look" she said
"Uh no i just thought you looked pretty" i lied i gave her a weird awkward smile
She grabbed my face "well thank you, you are very pretty too, you are like a goddess" if only us two where close enough so I could push her without feeling like a doosh. "Thank you uh want to be friends" I asked yes, now it's my goal to become close friends with her and then push her "do you maybe want to go eat? There is a cafe I know that is close by" I ask her. She nods and tells me her name, Angie. We start walking towards the cafe.

3rd person's point of view
Kiibo and his new "friend" angie walked to the same cafe kokichi and miu where in. "We're here" kiibo says right after he says that he notices miu drinking out of kokichi's straw flirting with him. His eyes go wide and the other two teens notice him too. "Oh hey kiibo how is it goin-" miu walks over to kiibo but she gets slapped before she could finish her sentence.

Lmao I don't know if this is a "cliffhanger" or not but yeah this chapter is probably terrible and doesn't make sense but i felt like I needed to post a chapter. I think maybe tomorrow it may get filled with flavor maybe don't get your hopes up high even though you probably aren't do people even read these I don't know but if they do "hello"😄 remember that you are loved and are the best thing in the world
Fanfic senpai out💖

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