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David panicked "did we...just kiss!?" He backs away and starts breathing in and out frequently not being able to process the fact that he kissed another man, and it's DANIEL of all people, Daniel holds him close and says "don't worry David, remember! You're safe with me! I'm sorry if you didn't like it but I promise to protect you and make sure you're okay..alright?" David tried to keep his cool "it's just that..I know this may seem embarrassing but Daniel...that was my first kiss.." Daniel's eyes widened "Really David???" David nods feeling really shy about it, Daniel can't help but grin realizing that David trusts him with his first kiss, he smiles and says "I'll be here for you always" David smiles and hugs Daniel, Daniel places a hand on his head and says "Well..I don't want the camp to call the police on me for letting you stay this long so I might as well take you back" David frowns "Aw man, I had a great time with you Daniel, I just don't know why they can't be more forgiving!" Daniel forces a fake smile and shrugs, Daniel gets up from the couch and reaches for David's hand, David reaches back and they're both holding each other's hand, they walk from the inside of the house to the outside. They walked to the car and unlocked it, Daniel walked around to David's side and opened the car door for him, David blushed and thanked him while getting in, Daniel closed the car door and got into the drivers seat. Daniel began driving and talking to David "Sooo David do you regret that kiss at all?~" he said teasing him, David stuttered a bit "Uhm..w-well...no...I don't regret it..how come Daniel?" Daniel gripped the steering wheel a bit tightly since he didn't expect the question to return to him "Well...you see....I really liked it and....I just wanted to know how you felt.." David couldn't help but smile seeing Daniel get flustered over his kiss, David hugs himself and says "I liked it too..." now both the guys where a blushing mess, they arrive at the camp shortly and Daniel says "I guess this is it..when will we be able to see each other again?" David thought for a minute and replied with "Tomorrow" Daniel cheered "Yay! I'll see what else we can do tomorrow!" David says "sounds great Daniel!" David looks around closely to make sure that no one was around before giving Daniel another kiss. Daniel wrapped one arm around David's small body and placed one hand his head, he ran his fingers through David's hair making David stiffen as if he's trying to hOld bAcK soMeThiNg, Daniel noticed something off about the kiss, he asked "What's wrong Davey?" David said "I-It's nothing! I promise!" Daniel kisses him again and this time used both hands to run his fingers through David's red locks, David couldn't hold back anymore, he let out a few small moans into the kiss, Daniel pulled back saying "Woah.." his face turned red yet he couldn't help but smirk at him, David's face was a crimson red from the embarrassment, Daniel spoke "I'm sorry for teasing you baby I just had to know what was going on with you~" David covered his face "No you didn't!!-" Daniel laughed from how fun it is to make him blush "No seriously I'm sorry I won't do it again I was just curious" David nodded and got out of the car "I'll see you tomorrow Daniel!" Daniel smiles "See you tomorrow David!" He says and drives off

Daniel x David (art belongs to (mmangopudding) Where stories live. Discover now