The Agreement

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It's been a few months since David sent Daniel to the hospital for accidentally poisoning himself, David and Gwen as usual supervise the the kids, David smiles and watches over Max and his friends when suddenly they hear a knock at the door, Nikki immediately sprints to the door and yells "Hey you guys! There's a visitor!!" The kids all cheer and swarm the door except for Max and Neil, Just as Nikki turns the knob curious to find out who it was but then to her surprise it's .......DANIEL..., her Pigtails move up a bit somehow in a alarmed way, she suddenly gets down on all fours and starts barking loudly at the tall cultist man in front of her, she continues to bark like the weirdo she is, David walks gently through the crowd of kids calmly to look at whoever Nikki was barking at he yells "What is it girl!?..." :0, as David looks up he sees Daniel standing in front of him listening to the sounds of Nikki growling like some sort of animal, David flinches and huffs in disbelief or rather shock, under his breath he quietly says "Daniel......", because of David's obvious scared reaction a smirk creeps upon Daniel's already creepy face as he replies holding out his tone/voice "..Davey...~" without even saying anything Daniel allows himself inside the Camp without permission as he begins to push and shove violently through the group of children so that he could pass, David nervously looks at the kids and then back to Gwen "Um...okay kids! Go follow Gwen outside! Me and Daniel are going to have a private conversation....." David fakes a smile trying not to show Daniel that he's scared of him, instead of Gwen being annoyed or anything her face softens in what seems to be pity/concern, she sighs and says "Okay David...come along kids..follow me.." The mood is brought down with a lot of reactions and expressions on the children's face, some are sad, others are scared, and more where mad for the grudge they've kept against Daniel, they all follow Gwen in a line outside, Max was the last one out, he turned around one last time with a expressionless face, behind David, Daniel's eyes widen as his tilts his head to hear the sound of a crack, Max bites his lip a little anxious as he hurries and then shuts the door on his way out, David watches sadly, suddenly he feels breathing on his neck as Daniel speaks "Did you miss me Davey..?~" David flinches and springs up scared backing away slowly from Daniel "W-What do you want Daniel....?-.." he huffs trying to be all tough, he was doing this for the kids and himself, Unfortunately Daniel could see through David's emotions, he decides to tease him "Ah, I see how nervous you are, you can drop the fake persona now David~ Thank you for asking though! I came here to visit and settle an agreement..~" David ignores Daniel's words and still tries to maintain himself for the Kids "An Agreement..?..well hurry up and tell me what you want..I have to get back to working..!-" Daniel walks up to David, David trembles a bit in fear, he really didn't want to break in front of him, Daniel wraps an arm around his waist, Placing his hand on David's lower back firmly, and the other hand was placed on David's soft red hair, Daniel smiles innocently and says "well you see, I feel like it would be nice if we could hang out! Just the two of us alone of course.." Daniel blushes slightly and smiles Innocently. David doesn't really buy this, as Daniel's fingers run through David's red locks. Tugging it a little at times causing David to bite his lip, "mm...Daniel..What's the catch...?" Daniel pulls their bodies closely, keeping his face closer to David's in a creepy yet flirty way "I see you've caught unfortunate. I was thinking we could become closer..nothing suspicious of course! I just wanted to make it up to you for all the things I've done..~ there will be consequences if you disagree with me..~..I can promise you I WILL destroy the Camp and kill the Children, I'll even go as far as to kill Cameron Campbell himself if you choose to disagree with me." David squirms in Daniel's tight warm grasp and responds "Oooookay? We can do that........." David frowns, his eyes glisten in worry and frustration that he will break down in any moment in front of Daniel, he worries about what he will do/say, Daniel grins feeling proud of the depressed mess he made out of David, he felt dominant at how he managed to make David possibly give in, it makes him truly excited to see how hopeless David is at the moment, David's eyes look away as he lets out a sigh in defeat, without even meaning to this rests his head against Daniel's chest "I...don't know exactly why you want to get closer to me but..I'll do anything for the children...and for the Camp...I have no choice do I...?..." Daniel smiles "nope!" He runs his hand through David's hair, David shakes a bit at the feeling but he nods in agreement to what Daniel told him but of course it was difficult since he didn't know what to do in such a situation. "hm?..? Well you know what, you agreed, so you're coming to my place immediately, no saying goodbyes, so let's go"

David frowns and walks out with Daniel, They then drive off

Without a word

Daniel x David (art belongs to (mmangopudding) Where stories live. Discover now