greed! ed

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About the story: this is Greed!Ed bc I saw a fic about it but it was unfinished :sob: and I can't find it again. I want more Homunculus!Ed fics shjsbdjsjs

tw//gunfire, violence


"Get off!" Edward squirms under Envy. "Don't touch him!" Ling is held down by Gluttony, Father approaching slowly.

His hand reaches down into his pocket in desperation. The gun, he remembers.

Father stands over Ling now, liquid philosopher stone in hand.

Ed hesitates; a gun. That's what he is holding in his hand.

"Use it to protect yourselves, not to kill somebody." He remembers Hawkeye's words as she handed the gun to him.

Protect, that's right. So, in a rash decision cocks the safety, and points back at Envy. But he pauses as a face starts to form.

The soul screeches. To protect, Ed tries to remember. To protect people.

He shoots, the soul screams, but it works to startle Envy. Ed scrambles out from under the homunculus and runs towards Ling as fast as he can. "Ling!" The Xingese man looks startled and foolishly determined; Father stands over him still.

It's a rush, and it's all blurry. But Ed knows that he ended up jumping in to push Gluttony away and Ling away from the stone. He succeeded in doing so, but after, he ended up in pain.

The philosopher stone fell onto him.

It took a second, the stone finding a cut and making its way into his bloodstream. But once it finished searching, he screamed, gutterly and painfully.

Nothing was registering except for pain; it was hot and unbearable, his skin crawling as something forced itself in. He doesn't know how long this went on for, but it felt like hours.

Ed's mind and consciousness blacks out and his body falls limb for a second. Everyone is silent, only the heavy breathing of those injured.

But they hold their breath when they see him groan and start to get up.

"Ed?" Ling speaks, shocked and a little confused.

The blonde grunts, "huh?" Few in the room pause, that's not Edwards voice. The voice that comes out is deeper, smooth and even a little cocky. He pushes himself up from the ground, cuts and bruises sparkling red.

Alphonse gasps and his armour shakes.

"Edward" gets up without a problem, only a little stiff. He stretches as Father speaks, "ah. This was unexpected. Welcome, Greed."

Al and Ling cannot stifle their shock. "What do you mean?" Ling asks, while Alphonse yells, "brother!"

The blonde-Ed? Greed? -looks over, his eyes are purple. "The name's Greed," his voice is just... wrong coming out of Ed's mouth. A wide smirk appears on his lips, one that Ed would never wear.

"It's nice to meet ya,"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2021 ⏰

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