something new

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The day ranboo realised something had changed between him and tubbo, he couldn't help but laugh at how silly they looked.

It was early in the morning, the birds were chirping, the sun was pouring through the blinds and nothing was out of the ordinary..except for the short goat hybrid cuddled into his chest, tubbo was conked out and drooling on Ranboos knitted blue sweater that Phil had made him.

the two had cuddled plenty of times before while watching movies with their son Michael, but this morning was different; it felt alot more intimate. Tubbo had come into his bed around midnight, not saying a word and just laid on top of him, ranboo didn't protest or acknowledge it, he just wrapped a long arm around his husband's waist and dozed off within minutes of it occuring. He felt safe with his husband warm soft body wrapped around him.

Ranboo didn't know what to make of the event last night, he had been to tired to think about the implications, now he was wide awake and was starting to overthink every little movement he was making, ranboo didn't want tubbo to feel weird about them cuddling like this, but tubbo was the the one who had initiated the cuddling, but what if he had been sleep walking? Ranboo was panicking.

suddenly tubbo started to stir, ranboo felt blush crawl up his black and white neck, he had been purring this entire time. Ranboo might actually cry from stress.

He immidiately tried to stop purring, he didn't need tubbo knowing this fact about him, tubbo could use this as leverage for more money or emeralds from the enderman hybrid! He was such a gold digger.

Ranboo tried his best but it was no use, his body was just so happy to be hugged by his beautiful platonic husband! well, he doesn't know about the platonic part anymore, they've grown super close recently. The marriage had definitely started out platonic, they both wanted to save money on erets taxes, but eret never actually went through with the taxing on citizens of the smp. the two had stayed married, not mentioning the lack of taxing.

Tubbo kept busy with snowechester and his nukes, while ranboo committed to the role of tubbos devoted husband and Michaels father. tubbo and ranboo didn't want to think about what this meant for their relationship, they didn't want to get a divorce! So the taxes stayed unmentioned.

Tubbos eyes slowly opened and looked up to ranboo, his face was squished Into ranboos chest and the goat hyrbid smiled gently at his husband, Ranboo started purring even louder at the cute sight before him, he couldn't believe how sweet tubbo was in the morning!

"Hey big man" tubbo croaked out.

"Morning honey"

"Mmmm, your eyes 'ave gotten all big again" tubbo giggled sleepily.

Ranboo immidiately closed his eyes out of pure embarrassment, he quickly shuffled his way down the bed and hid his face in tubbos neck. The purring stayed stubbornly loud throughout ranboos antics.

"Woah, haha, hey my belovedddd, you're fine, stop being so shy around me! C'mon dude"

tubbo grabbed ranboo by his arms and tugged him up to be eye level with him. "Show me those pretty eyes!" Tubbo teased.

Ranboo sighed, he slowly opened his eyes, only to be greeted by a similar pair, tubbos eyes were as big as discs aswell, obviously not the extent that ranboos are but they were fully dilated.

"You look drunk, tubbo" he smiled.

"Drunk with love" tubbo winked, laughing at ranboos reaction to his flirting.

"Okay, well that uh, okay, yeah cool - um" he was panicking again.

"Yeah, yeah, atleast I'm not the one purring" tubbo stuck out his tongue.

Ranboo whined and said " you're such a menace! I've been trying to stop for like ten minutes now man"
Ranboo loves tubbo, he really does, that didn't mean tubbo wasn't hard to handle at the best of times.
Tubbo looked surprised by what ranboo just said "what!? Why? I love it when you purr! It just means your content and happy"

It was ranboos turn to be surprised now " I didn't know that you knew..."

"Of course I knew! It's pretty hard to ignore when I'm just holding your hand and suddenly I hear this big BRRRRRRR right next to me!"

Tubbo cackles at his own horrible purring, ranboo doesn't look one bit amused.

"Anyways, sorry about dropping in on you so suddenly last night, I was feeling lonely and wanted you to hold me" tubbo looked the most genuine ranboo had seen in a while, it made ranboos heart flutter in disbelief.

"It's completely fine, I think we should be in the same bed anyways, we are married after all" ranboo held his breathe, this was the next big step for them.

"Yeah but I don't know if thats very platonic.. wait! we could wear socks."

Ranboo smiles, and slowly starts giggling, the giggling turns into full on laughter, tubbo doesn't know what's so funny but laughs with him.

They both calm down and tubbo asks "what was so funny?"

Ranboo gently takes tubbos face in his hands and says "I'm in love with you"

Tubbo looks super confused so ranboo continues.

"We started this marriage for tax benefits and that was meant to to be it, but, none of this marriage is all that platonic honey, like for instance, we have a child together, thats not just friendship stuff, we call eachother pet names and regularly cuddle and kiss eachother on the nose or cheek, we haven't been friends for a long time my beloved."

When ranboo finishes tubbo looks deep in thought and starts laughing himself, in pure shock of how stupid they both were, how did they think any of this could ever be platonic? Of course it was love!

"Holy shit, were fucking idiots!"

Tubbos grinning and starts littering ranboos face with kisses. Ranboos running his hands through tubbos curly hair and grinning.

"God, of course we should be sleeping in the same bed, what was I thinking." Tubbo sighs and cups ranboos face with his hands.

"I know we say it all the time but, this is different...I love you" tubbo seals the 'I love you' with a gentle kiss on ranboos lips. Everything feels exactly right in that moment, like nothing in the world could hurt the two, they felt happy.

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