You look so good in green

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Hiya! I just finished this and hope everyone likes it! Anyways- I uh, woah what's that smell? Sniff sniff, Oh my god!?! IS THAT YOU??? FUCKING GROSSSSSS.


Being so busy with their hectic lives, tubbo and ranboo didn't have much alone time anymore. Ranboo was wrapped up with his secret experiments, the syndicate and taking care of Michael meanwhile, Tubbo was frantically looking for his missing nuke.

when the two did have free time it was spent sleeping, usually separately too, tubbo always ended up crashing on the couch and ranboo fell asleep next to Michael often.

Tubbo didn't really notice the affect this had on their relationship until one day, he realised they hadn't gone on a date or watched a movie together in an entire month, in fact; the two had barely spoken about anything except their son or nukes for a good while. 

And tubbo didn't like this one bit.

Tubbo had needs and they were not being met, tubbo was indeed out of ranboo's league and tubbo had standards and sadly ranboo met each and every one of them, with his stupid fluffy hair and cute heterochromia eyes that would grow bigger every time tubbo walked into the room and oh god tubbo misses his husband a lot.

tubbo definitely isn't the romantic one of the relationship , he leaves all the heavy lifting to ranboo and god does ranboo deliver, gifting him emeralds, sending him roses, scratching his fluffy goat ears and making him hot chocolate when needed, ranboo was amazing. this is why tubbo decided it was ranboos turn to be spoiled...tubbo needed to return the favour! He needed to make a grand gesture, show ranboo how much he loved him.

Tubbo went to Nikki first, she offered him a cup of tea, the two sat down and had a lovely chat about nuclear war fare but tubbo needed to focus, he was here for a very specific reason.

he asked her for a cake recipe and unsurprisingly she had the perfect thing, a Raspberry Pink Velvet Cake with Raspberry Cream Cheese Frosting, she said it was ranboos favourite thing to buy from her old bakery.

Tubbo trusted her insight and bought the ingredients from a random village on his way home to snowchester. The shopkeeper had cursed tubbo out for trailing muck into the store, tubbo felt thoroughly embarrassed.

He went to quackity next, tubbo thinks the owner of las Nevadas has fashion sense, and tubbo definitely does NOT. Tubbo needed advice on what sort of suit to get his husband, his ex employee leaned into his ear and whispered the perfect thing.

tubbo nodded his head and put his hand up for a high five but quackity just told him to get off of las Nevadas grounds, immediately or he'll get foolish to step on him, tubbo ran away pretty fast after that threat.

Tubbo then went to the big man himself, tommy danger kraken innit, he needed to steal some alliums from Tommy's garden, he was knee deep in some bushes when he felt someone pull at his coat hood and tiredly question what the fuck he was doing, when he explained the situation to tommy, tommy groaned and loudly complained about how horrible ranboo was.

The funny thing is even as tommy was bitching about ranboo, he was carefully gathering all the alliums from his small garden into a wicker basket. Tommy handed tubbo the flowers and sent him off to the walk the prime path with a small salute and tiny grin.

Lastly tubbo went to the most important person in this entire operation...his son, Michael.


When tubbo opened up the hatch to his sons bedroom. the room was dark, the only light source was a single candle, his son was in the middle of the room, seated on his massive chair.

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