Chapter 5 - Koji Koda

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My rabbit, Mr Snuffles, had been quite ill recently. I asked politely in my last lesson if I could leave early to take him to the vet. Thankfully I had English and Present Mic was very empathetic, so I was able to go.

When I got to the dorms to check up on him before we left, it was worse than I imagined. Not only had he likely died of whatever illness he had, but a wild animal had gotten in and torn apart his corpse. It was messy.

Stood in the doorway, I couldn't look away from the scene. It was so gruesome and I was so shocked, leaving me still. Tears began to roll down my face and onto the bloody floor, mixing with the crimson on the rug.

I don't remember how long I was there, time didn't seem to pass, but I was freed from my trance by a concerned Midoriya, his hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, Koda are you alright? Why are you cr- oh," he stopped as he realised the horrors just in front of us, "is that all? Are you sure? That's nothing, Koda."

I looked him deep in the eyes, confused. Why was he so nonchalant about this? What was wrong with him?

"Oh... you're worried about the cleanup, aren't you? You should've told me! Hold on, I'll get some supplies to sort it out for you." He skipped away to his room and shortly returned.

"Here. I have baking soda, vinegar and, hydrogen peroxide for the blood, a shovel and a plastic bag for the body, and another bleach to finish it all off. This is the exact stuff I use for my cleanups, so I can assure you it works," he chirped, oddly happy to be helping.

I still stood unmoving, staring into his shining eyes. How is he smiling? Is this normal for him?

"Did you have a long day at school? It's okay if you're tired, I can clean for you. Get some rest," he grinned reassuringly.

I did what he said and headed downstairs to the dorm living room. In the corner of my eye I could see as he closed the door behind him and got to work.

He came back to me half an hour later and told me that he was done and that the body was buried behind the dorm building. I gave him a thumbs up as thanks and we both continued our afternoon.

Although, when he spoke to me, I noticed a speck of blood on the corner of his mouth. I don't think he hid all of the body.

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