Chapter 7 - Mezo Shoji

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Most people think that I'm such a cool and laidback guy, but I'm really not. School is pushing me to be the best hero I can, but it feels less like a push and more of a kick in the teeth. I'm terrified of my future.

Because of this, I'm always trying to hone my skills as much as I can. Right now, I'm practising detecting heartbeats. This would help me find both trapped civilians and hiding criminals. To do this, I always check how many people are in a room before I enter using an extra ear that I grow.

Everyone has a different heartbeat, of course. I can't quite differentiate between them yet, but hopefully I will in the future. So far, I can only tell the difference between some species, courtesy of Koda's help.

I was on my way to homeroom in the morning. It was earlier than usual, since I had some homework to do before school started.

I was stood outside the class door and checked for any heartbeats. None.

I kept listening just in case, but I still couldn't hear anything. That room was completely empty, not even a bug.

Opening the door, I jumped. Midoriya was sat in his usual seat, scrawling something in one of his notebooks.

What? I thought, but I didn't hear anyone in here.

I guess it could've been a fluke, or perhaps the door was stopping me from hearing to the best of my ability.

I took my usual seat and subtly grew the ear back to have another go at listening. Again, nothing.

At this point, I was starting to get quite worried. Had my ears stopped working? Or was something wrong with Midoriya?

Just as I was about to start truly panicking, I heard a faint whisper. It was almost silent, but I heard it clear as day with my (apparently working) ears.

"They'll never believe you"

It made me shiver. I turned to face Midoriya and he was staring right at me. He flashed a crooked smile and then returned to his notes.

At this point I was pretty scared, but there was nothing really that I could do. I pulled out my homework and started writing.

Hopefully this is all just a figment of my imagination, I thought to myself, there's no way Midoriya has no heartbeat.

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