Chapter 6 - Hanta Sero

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I slept well that night, which is surprising since the dream itself seemed to scrape at my brain. It felt so realistic and I felt powerless. The images never left my mind's eye.

It started off normally - it was a school dream and I'd forgotten to study for an important test. It didn't stay that way, though.

As I was sat at my desk in class, staring blankly at the symbols in the test paper, I felt the world shift around me. The room got darker and the atmosphere got heavier.

I raised my head from my desk and looked at my surroundings. Everything seemed normal enough until I looked closely at everyone else in the room.

My entire class was in the room too, presumably doing the same test as me. Aizawa was slouched in the corner, asleep. However, as my eyes landed on Uraraka, I realised that her throat had been violently slit and she was hunched over. Bleeding. Dead.

I didn't panic. It was if this was normal to me, dream logic and all. I looked around again and noticed that this time something was wrong with  Todoroki. It seemed as if his eyes had been gouged out. He was slumped in his chair, probably no longer alive either.

It kept going on like this. Every time I looked around, someone had been mutilated and killed in a new way. Denki was covered in stab wounds, Iida had his limbs ripped off, Tsuyu was missing a head, and Bakugou hung proudly from a noose.

The only one left untouched by this violent plague was Midoriya. He was still doing his test as if everything was fine. Then he finished it and walked over to me, eyeing my untouched test paper.

"You haven't done very well, have you? You should probably study for the next one," he gestured around him, "unless you want to end up like them."

He stared at me, unblinking. He wouldn't stop smiling. That hideous, beautiful smile.

I woke up in a cold sweat with a dry mouth. I could never look at Midoriya in the same way ever again.

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