chapter 2

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Sangwoo got home and walked into the living room to find yoonbum fucking their pet cat (Shane Dawson who?🤨📸) Sangwoo got angry and threw the cat. "You fucking cheated on me with a cat?!." Yoonbum whimpered, "I couldn't wait for you to get home.." Sangwoo got the pot of boiling water and threw it at yoonbum (pfft todorokis mom ass bitch) anyways now yoonbum is all crispy and burned but pay no attention to that. Sangwoo took his magic wand and healed yoonbum while the mail man stood in the doorway with his jaw dropped because he's looking at Sangwoo's dilf ass. (Please idek what I'm writing lmao) sangwoo slams the door in the crusty ass mail mans face and orders yoonbum to cook him some mac'n'cheese cause his mom would force feed him that as a child. He told bum about his day and mentioned that superlicious hunk they call Obama (no comment.) Yoonbum got jealous even though he should've known you can't trust sangwoo for shit when it comes to cheating, so sangwoo told yoonbum he could watch them, and maybe even join in (wink wonk) Yoonbum let it go and proceeded to serve Sangwoo his Mac n cheese sprinkled with cat hair.

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