terchap 3

16 1 0

(Okay Alex if u see this I hope you like it now go cry in ur urn you crusty fag)

Sangwoo was getting ready to walk to Obama-Sans house, fretting over what to wear. He finally decided on a business suit. (Basic ass bitch smh you should've gone with something fruity.) He accidentally left yoonbum tied to the tree by his leash, but pay no mind to that, Obama-San was more important than a musty rat that wears a skirt. Sangwoo walked to Obama-Sans house and nervously rang the bell. And who could it be, Alex the maid answers the door. Sangwoo looks at them and busts out laughing because Elliot told him about Alex's toe fetish. Alex looks down and lets sangwoo in. Daddy obama looks up, happy to see his little discord kitten. "Senpai! I'm so happy to see you!" Sangwoo blushes. "UwU you sussy BAKA. NYAH!" (ignore that outburst-)

Alex is forced to watch Obama-San and Senpai Sangwoo make out and finger eachothers asses in loneliness..........

.......luckily we know a certain broken ankles bitch who likes maids...

wtf is this

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