apterch 4

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Obama-Sans tongue was down Sangwoos throat, in a heavy make-out session. "Bitch you're choking me stop with ur slimy ass cracked tongue" sangwoo thought but he just moaned because it was worth it. Alex was disgusted at the two, and said "aight bitch I'm quitting my job as your maid, I'm sick of watching you give HIV to men you meet at the dildo section of the store" and stormed out of the house. Sangwoo stopped, "HIV?!?! YOURE GONNA GIVE ME HIV?!!" "Daddy chill- it's from me you don't have to worry" sangwoo calmed down and blushed at the thought of being so special he got HIV from daddy Obama. Meanwhile, Alex was walking to Sangwoos house to commit arson cause why not- and he heard crying from the backyard. He ran over to see a skinny stick looking bitch with black hair tied to the tree by a leash and collar. "I suppose I'm supposed to save you?" Alex snorted. Elliots voice came from the sky and said "yes you catperson looking bitch now hurry up I'm telling a story here" so Alex knelt down and untied yoonbums pathetic ass. "I'm Alex" "I'm yoonbum.." And yoonbums eyes were filled with hearts for his hero *cough cough he's cured of Stock Holmes syndrome wow* Alex glared at this wonky looking bitch but couldn't help to fall in love with him.

Ew what is this why are you still reading this

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