Survival of the Status

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The ground was nothing like Blair had expected, yet everything she had dreamed it would be. So bright and full of color, she reached out her arms and began to spin. The sky was clear and the lightest shade of blue, a complete contrast from the constant blackened outlook when looking out from the windows within the Ark.

The Ark. Her father. The gentle blow of the passing wind which fanned out her long wavy locks as she spun began to lessen. As she gradually reduced the speed at which she turned, her hair eventually dropped back into its natural position. Her split-ends falling just short of below her shoulder blades. Her footsteps halted and her arms fell heavily to her sides.

Blair watched as the pardoned criminals celebrated, cheering as they ran carelessly in and out of the vast forest made up of moss-covered trees-- making the most of finally being free. She too was pleased, ecstatic even. She had grown up being fed the same misconception she was certain everyone else now stood on the ground had. That the earth still needed another hundred years until it became survivable. For Blair, returning to earth was nothing but a pipe-dream. But as she stood with her feet firmly on the ground, that pipe-dream now a reality, she knew a part of her would stay trapped up in the Ark. At least until her father was standing by her side.

Walking back towards the dropship, Blair sat down on the sloping door and drew her knees close to her chest, wrapping her arms lightly around them and pressing her feet firmly down to stop herself from slipping. From where she sat, she could just about spot Atom as he helped collect wood which she assumed would be used for a source of fire when things grew dark. Bellamy was also in her line of sight, his younger sister who Blair had been hastily introduced too stood off to his side. She watched as he spoke animatedly with those around him, appointing various people with roles and barking out his instructions.

Despite herself, Blair giggled ever-so-slightly to herself whilst subtly shaking her head, bemused. "Fancy sharing the joke? God knows I need a reason to laugh right now."

Blair jumped at the abrupt sound of a females voice and the faint squelch of metal against rubber as a blond-haired girl walked down the slope and past her.

"Bellamy," Blair said by way of explanation, glancing back at him to find his eyes looking over in her general direction. She watched as he flashed her a secretive smirk before turning back to whatever task he had at hand. "I think his Guardsman jacket may be done up a little too tight. All the authority has gone to his head."

"At least that would explain why there's no room left for his brain," the girl muttered under her breath, but her theory still made Blair smile. Sprawling out a map on the side of the slope, Blair watched as the blonde began drawling a line across the map, grasping Blair's interest as she spotted Mount Weather written at one end of the perfectly drawn line. The name ringing a distant bell from somewhere within her clouded memory.

"What's that you're doing?"

The girl glanced up from the map and greeted Blair's curious gaze with an exasperated sigh. "I'm trying to find out where we are. We're not on Mount Weather like we're supposed to be and unless we find it soon, we're all going to starve."

Blair unwrapped her arms from around her knees and shuffled until her legs were hanging over the edge of the slope, the map and blond-haired girl positioned on her left. "Well, I sure as hell didn't come all this way just to die of starvation," Blair said, causing the girl beside her to unwittingly smile. "So, tell me what I can do to help."


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