352 Days

754 32 2

She was back on the Ark locked within her cell, the darkness and eerie silence making it immediately apparent as she opened her eyes. Everything was as she remembered. The hand-carved scratches along the wall still totaled up to the three-hundred and fifty-two days she had spent imprisoned. But Blair sensed something was amiss, and she felt uneasy as she got to her feet. In the cell she had spent three-hundred and fifty-two day with the stars her only constant source of lighting, it only took her a few seconds before she realised the cause for her discontent. The door to her cell was ajar, allowing a minimal amount of artificial lighting to filter its way through. Intrigued, she walked cautiously towards the door, her feet weightless as she stepped. Pushing it gently open till it was wide, it shocked Blair to find the Skybox deserted. No Guards patrolled along the levels and no prisoners resided in the empty cells.

The rest of the Ark was much the same-- vacant without any sign of life. Even the low rumble of the Arks generators had disappeared along with all its people. The lighting panels began to flicker overhead, halting Blair and her slow-paced steps. She wasn't afraid of the dark, if truth be told she greeted it like an old friend. It was the unknown that scared her, the not knowing what she may find up ahead.

Fumbling further into the heart of the Ark, Blair found herself nearing the Airlock Chamber. The one part of the Ark she went out of her way to avoid. According to Blair's father, it was just outside the Airlock Chamber that her mother held her and kissed her goodbye for the final time only moments before stepping in. She, of course, remembered nothing of her mothers last moments. In actuality, she hardly remembered anything about her mother at all. She knew only what her father told her and relied on pictures to put a face to the name.

Rounding the corner with her heart heavy, it was the smell that hit Blair first. Stumbling backwards with her hand covering her nose and mouth, Blair attempted to block out the smell and mask her horror-filled gasp. The lights correcting themselves and shining bright in working order once again, the mass of dead bodies could finally be seen. Tears brimmed her eyes as she scanned the perished faces. Some died laid and others died sitting, but all looked to have died waiting for the doors of the Airlock Chamber to open. They had all chosen death, but Blair doubted they'd wished to find it this way.

Then she saw him. The man who had raised her. The man who had given her everything and asked for nothing in return. The only man she had ever loved.

He sat with his back propped against the glass of the Chamber door, his legs stretched out in front of him. The head of another mans body rested against his shoulder whilst her father's head hung limply down.

"Daddy." She wasn't sure if it was said in sotto voce or as a scream. For all she knew it may never have left her lips at all. Her legs failed to hold her up as she collapsed to the metal floor. Crying and praying for the nightmare to end.

By the time her subconscious showed Blair mercy and released her from her terrifying dream, it was late morning

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By the time her subconscious showed Blair mercy and released her from her terrifying dream, it was late morning. Wells make-shift bed beside hers looked unslept in or long left, she couldn't decide which.

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