Brave Princess

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Blair hissed and gritted her teeth as Atom gently applied a wet cloth to her hand and wrist like Clarke had instructed him to. The group of five that had headed out for Mount Weather in search of food and other supplies returned as a group of four only moments after the Murphy incident; Jasper Jordan being the missing link from the group.

From what Blair could make out, the one hundred were no longer the only survivors on the ground. Finn and Clarke referred to them as "Grounders" as they explained what happened to Jasper. A spear had been thrown at him with pinpoint accuracy from three-hundred feet, but according to Clarke, it had not killed him. Blair was deep in thought as Atom continued to clean her wounds. Naturally the anticipation of what this new threat would mean for her and the rest of her people scared her. Finn and Clarke's combined words from before came back to haunt her as she sat.
Radiation won't kill us. The bad news is the Grounders will.

From beside her, Octavia whimpered and ow'd. Bellamy knelt in front of her cleansing her bite-mark of a cut. "What the hell was it?"

Blair turned her face to the side as she listened intently for Octavia's answer. "I don't know," she said, pausing to gasp as Bellamy tied the wet scrap of material around her thigh to cover the gash. "The others said it looked like a giant snake."

"This day just keeps getting better and better," Blair spoke and forced a scoff. "Psychopathic Grounders that want to kill us and now a giant man-eating snake. I mean, what's next?"

Octavia smiled as she looked back at the older brunette sat beside her. "We also saw a deer with two heads."

Despite the gravity of the situation, both girls laughed and smiled. Blair knew if she didn't try to see the funny side and remain positive, the alternative would be to breakdown and cry. She needed to be strong, now more than ever.

Bellamy tried to look and sound serious as he spoke, but seeing Octavia and Blair getting along made it impossible for him not to smile. "You two shouldn't be laughing about all this. Octavia, you could have been killed."

"And she would of been, if Jasper didn't jump in to pull her out." Blair's laughter seized at the mention of Jasper's name. Clarke and Wells walked over and stopped in-front of Bellamy.

"Are you guys leaving? I'm coming too."

"And me," Blair stated after Octavia volunteered.

Bellamy restrained Octavia as she attempted to stand, but Atom wasn't quick enough to do the same to Blair. "No, no. No way. Not again. And you're no good to them with your wrist the way it is."

"Excuse me? My wrist is fi-"

"No, Blair, he's right. You need to stay in camp and keep the burns clean to prevent them from getting infected. And Octavia your legs just gonna slow us down."

Blair opened her mouth but no words came out. She wanted to help find Jasper. Although she hardly knew him, she still didn't like the thought of doing nothing to save him. Besides, Clarke and Wells were her friends, and she wanted to help them in any way she could. Adding insult to injury, Clarke proceeded to ask Bellamy to join the search party with them, much to Wells dismay.

"Why would I do that?" Bellamy asked, showing his ruthlessness once more. Blair idly wondered whether he was as cold-hearted as he often made out or whether it was all an act-- a false face he felt he needed to display. Considering his demeanor on the occasions the two of them had found themselves alone, Blair concluded it had to be the latter.

"Because you want them to follow you," Clarke explained, indicating towards the rest of camp with her eyes. "And right now, they're thinking only one of us is scared." Flashing a smile in Blair's direction, Clarke and Wells headed out.

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