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The duo entered the window like portal. The experience was like going to another dimension. Sure it still looked like the Earth, but some things are quite different. The moon seems closer and therefore looks larger. The soil is has more of a reddish hue when one would stare closer. The humidity is heavier and the wind is chillier. Normally flowers would die at this weather. However ahead of them is the blue field of shining Eternel. All they have to do head towards the field.

Sakura was caught up with her thoughts of why did Sai not see the portal? She was so sure that he was the one required to meet the fourth condition. Ever since she prepared for this journey it was him who was in her mind. But he was not able to come in the end. Thinking deeply she concluded, does the female voice speaking in her head have anything to do with it? Is this related to the person named Indra which was mentioned to her before? Who is Indra anyway? And why was Sasuke here? Did the entity called upon him too? What is his purpose of being dragged into this space anyway?

Putting together her thoughts her eyes widened. Could Sai's suspicions be true? Was Sasuke here to steal the opportunity of making the wish? Is he going to betray her like Sai expected him to? Her chest began to feel constricted at the thought. Part of her wanted to cry. With trembling hands she looked up to him with determined eyes and asked. "Why are you here and not Sai?"

There was a hint of anger in her voice, he could easily tell. So she really is in despair that the artist was not the one to accompany her. She is probably ridiculously thinking that he would steal her stupid wish. Well they have come so far to quarrel now. So he should put her mind at ease in order to get things done and over with. Shrugging and with a stoic face he answered. "I don't know, but I assure you can keep that stupid wish."

His annoyance made Sakura feel guilty. How could she think ill of him? She had a sudden feeling of needing to apologize. "I am sorry Sasuke. I guess my mind is in limbo due to the stress." The medic in regretful tone explained. "Honestly since we got here, a weird female voice is messing with head. It keeps uttering mysterious things that are nonsensical." The pinkette continued to share her thoughts.

Hearing the woman's predicament his heart raced. "Female voice?" The heir muttered could they be being contacted by the same person? "What does that voice tells you?" He pressed on with unmasked urgency.

Startled the rosette swayed her head. "Total nonsense, it keeps saying the name Indra." The lady chuckled. "I have not met a man with such a name." Breathing in deeply the girl continued. "The enigma keeps telling me: The mind might have forgotten, but the heart does not lie." Shaking her head again the female sighed. "What the heck does it mean? Is it implying I have forgotten something or someone I love? It's impossible. Everyone I love is in Konoha and all my life I lived there. Then it also praised me for being faithful. But faithful with what? It's all so messed up."

Hearing the hints in Sakura's speech the Uchiha's heart throbbed. He suddenly felt the urge to touch woman before him. If what she says is true, it means until now her feelings towards him has not changed. Despite losing memories, her heart still belongs to him. Is that the reason why her comrade is so worked up? Because they knew, that despite everything Sakura is his.

"Never mind all of that." The medic said and looked ahead of them. "The field of Eternel is waiting, let's go." The lady sprinted leaving a flustered Uchiha behind. He followed suit as he caught up with the girl he recalled the reason why he came along. As long as she is with him, Sakura will not die. She can hate him all her life because he stopped the sacrifice. Yes he will not steal the wish, but given that it will really kill her, it's definitely a different issue.

As they approach the field, a strange plant began to appearance on the grounds surface. It looked like huge Venus flytrap plants. However, instead of green the colors varied from black to white. As the entity continues to rise, the built surprised them both. After the Venus flytrap head, it has a body of a naked sexless human. What are those things? Are they the residents of this dimension? "Ku, ku, ku..." the beings muttered. "Mother's guest welcome."

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