Chapter Seven

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Yeees, Ik I posted the next fanart a few days ago but then this kept growing as things doooo so....I cut it and the art is gonna be in the next one xD Anyway. Let's get this thing going, shall we?
Sorry for typos, tis my usual 4am posting time xD

As always, I hope you enjoy it, if you'd like to share any of your thoughts with me, I'd love to hear them!! <3


The next time Dean woke, the digital clock on the nightstand showed shortly after 5am. Cas was still tucked into his side, but he was twitching in his sleep, his face scrunched up, eyes pressed together tightly. Dean contemplated if he should wake him, but who knew how long it would take the angel to go back to sleep this time, and God knew Cas needed as much rest as he could get.

"Shhhhh", Dean soothed therefore, voice low and hushed down to a whisper. "Heya, Cas. It's okay, buddy, you're safe."

Cas whimpered softly, but didn't wake, fingers clenching down so hard Dean could feel his nails digging into his chest. Before he could stop himself, Dean stroked his fingers through Cas' hair, noticing that his hairline was slightly damp with sweat.

"It's alright. It's just a dream."

Cas' face pressed further into him, Dean's arm automatically tightening where it lay wrapped around the angel's shoulders to keep him close.


The quiet, too high pitched groan of his name startled Dean, and he leaned down to check if he woke Cas after all, but the angel still had his eyes closed, unmoving except for the occasional twitch.

"Yeah, Cas", he breathed, hoping it wouldn't be the wrong thing to say, in case Cas was dreaming of- of...

Dean squeezed his eyes shut for a second, keeping his voice unaffected and soothing.

"I'm here, angel. You're here with me."

(Angel? What the fuck, Dean?, he chastised himself, thanking the universe that Cas was asleep.)

But to his surprise, Cas seemed to calm, the nails digging in his side retreated as Cas' fingers relaxed slightly and his breathing turned deeper and more even.

"That's good. Go back to sleep, Cas."

Once more he dared to let his hand glide through the dark unruly hair, stroking back some strands that had fallen into his forehead, and thoughtlessly, driven by a sudden need, he leaned down to press a kiss to the angel's temple.

Cas made a humming noise, arching up, and just for a moment Dean allowed himself to think that he sounded content.

His lips still tingled minutes after Cas had fallen back into a deep, peaceful sleep.


Cas woke up to warmth.

Warmth surrounding him, wrapping him up, warmth around his shoulders, warmth against his cheek, warmth beneath his palm.

He hummed, blinked sleepily as his brain tried to get a grasp on his surroundings, slowly orientating itself to find that he was trapped against another body. Adrenaline shot through Cas' veins so fast he felt dizzy, the sudden realization that the warmth was an arm slung around his shoulders, a chest beneath his head, filling his fuzzy brain with sudden dread. His eyes shot open, his body up, scrambling back blindly in an attempt to get away from whatever -whoever- was touching him.

His fingers clawed down into something he realized too late was a bare forearm, it flinched under the assault of his nails, a pained yelp making Cas' head shoot around to find-

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