Chapter Twenty-One

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This is a long one. Got a bit out of hand tbh. I just hope you'll like it. 

Yeah Cas has obviously not observed humanity doing...that for thousands of years. He's an oblivious little bean, bless him. xD Just kinda felt right this way.

Also slight trigger warning for some short but heavy flashbacks.

Anyway, I shall let you get to it, hope you enjoy! <3


I love you too, Cas had said.

His angel, who was smiling at him, radiant like the sun, drying their tears.


Dean sounded as breathless as he felt, overwhelmed by a wave of emotion, happiness, love...

"Kiss me", his angel asked.

He did. And when their lips met, it was familiar and new all at once. A comfort, a promise, a vow.

Cas welcomed him like he had done a thousand times, and Dean kissed him back, eager to make Cas taste his love at last, writing his oath into the angel's mouth with every careful sweep of his tongue. His fingers were busy doing the same, painting promises on Cas' skin that weren't actually promises at all - why promise something that couldn't possibly be broken - they were truths, had been for decades, and would be for many more. It felt good to tell them at last, sharing them with Cas and the rest of the world, just as he always dreamed, never actively dared to hope. There was no hope necessary anymore, now, with his angel in his arms, so he let it transform into devotion, tenderness, love. All was received in the same fashion, something Dean could only describe as humble passion, a hungry gentleness, grateful for being allowed to give and take in equal measure.

Dean wanted to show him that he'd never want or need anyone else, threading their fingers together, familiar too, but with a new depth, a new meaning.

This hand that had killed and damaged and destroyed, a hand so often covered in blood, had been covered in Cas' blood...

Now it was free to love and cherish Cas the way he'd always wished he could, if the angel really wanted it in return.

"Cas...", Dean breathed between kisses, his name leaving his lips like a hymn, a prayer. "Cas. Cas, I love you. Angel..." He could feel Cas smiling against his mouth every time their lips connected, reveled in the way Cas' fingers threaded into his hair, pulling him close.


Dean followed Cas down when the angel pulled him to lie on top of him, arms coming around to encircle Dean protectively, reminding him of this place where he felt like he belonged, the home he had found in his angel's embrace. Dean's own hands were sweeping up Cas' sides, fingers gliding over smooth skin, mapping out every inch of his body he could reach. Cas whimpered when Dean's mouth trailed off to follow the line of his jaw, down his neck and to the hickey on his collarbone, licking over the purple mark there, smiling against his skin when Cas gasped.

Mine, mine, mine.

So what if he was being a little possessive. He hoped he was allowed now.

Dean kissed the bruise tenderly, leaned back to look into shining, dilated eyes. A nauseating wave of affection hit him as he let himself take in the sight before him, how Cas seemed to glow, smiling up at him like Dean had hung the moon and the stars. Dean loved him so much it hurt.

"I love you", he said, because now that he'd said it once, he didn't seem able to stop. Maybe all the unspoken I love you's he'd never dared to say aloud had accumulated in his heart and demanded to be set free now.

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