Not your typical girl

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The water bubbled along the brook. The leaves rustle from the slight breeze. I could smell the crispness of the air. My lips curled into a smile as I sketched the landscape, capturing the moment.

"I thought I would find you here."

I glanced over my shoulder as Dad smiled. I couldn't help but smile.

He moved around the bench and sat down next to me.

"I needed inspiration."

"You don't have to sit alone to find inspiration."

"I know. Sometimes, it's peaceful to sit alone."

My dad smiled at me. He understood why I come to the creek and spend time here. I enjoy the tranquility of it. Plus, I can sketch in peace.

"Harlow, school starts next week."


Dad put up his hand. "Hear me out. Can you try to get along with the boys?"

I sighed and rubbed my forehead. "It's not Rebel and Diesel. It's Aiden."

"Jag said Aiden would leave you alone."

"Yeah, and I'm the Pope."

Dad arched a brow.

"It was a joke." I rolled my eyes.

My family doesn't attend church. My dad is the bad boy's best friend. He met my mom because she's friends with Elise. My parents' friends are sweet. Their sons are crazy.

You have Jag's son, Aiden, who's a jerk. Roc's son Rebel isn't too bad. Jaden's son Diesel is Rebel's cousin and shares a brain with Rebel. They don't share a brain, but you get the point.

I tried to stay to myself, but Aiden harasses me. It's been that way since we were in diapers.

"Can you try to get along with the boys?"

"Fine, but I make no promises."

Dad chuckled and kissed the side of my head. He stood up and held out his hand. I took it, and we walked to his bike. There goes my peaceful sketching time.


"Oh, God! Harder!"

I had some hoe bent over my bike as I drilled her from behind. Yeah, she's a screamer and giving me a fucking headache. I shot my load and pulled out.

"Why did you stop?"

I removed the condom and tossed it, then did up my pants. "Because your screaming is giving me a fucking headache."

The hoe turned around, yanking down her skirt. "But I didn't finish."

"Yeah, so?" I pulled out a fag and lit it, taking a drag from it.

"So, I want a fucking orgasm, you prick!"

"Well, you had my dick. I'm not at all convinced that it's my fault that you didn't get off. Now get out of my way."

Before the hoe protested, I climbed onto my bike and revved the engine. She yelled, but the engine drowned out her nasal voice. I drove away, leaving her standing there.

I didn't understand why hoes thought they're essential. They're a hump and dump.

I pulled up next to a car as Rebel sat in the front seat with his head back and eyes closed. Then Diesel's head popped up in the back seat. I rolled my eyes as I got off my bike. I walked over to the car and pounded on the roof.

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