Different issues

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I came home as Dad grabbed me by my leather jacket and dragged me to the couch. He pushed me down, then leaned down towards me.

"You better have a damn good reason for fucking with Wolf's old lady."

I didn't say anything.

Dad raised his finger and wagged it at me. "Aiden, I suggest you cut ties before all hell breaks loose."

"Marissa ended things."

Dad leaned back and crossed his arms.

"I'm not messing with her or anyone."

Dad tilted his head. "Aiden, most women are hoes. They don't care if they fuck with you or others."

I nodded.

"Now, don't tell your mother. I don't need her blaming me for my DNA." Dad rolled his eyes.

I shook my head.

"And go brush your teeth. I don't need her smelling beer on you. Then I'll get a lecture from hell."

I got up and went upstairs to brush my teeth. I had other things on my mind than some stupid hoe.


I had dinner, then worked on my sketching. I needed a subject. Landscapes were incredible, but a human subject would help.

Someone knocked on my door. I glanced to see Dad in my doorway.

"You're not throwing me another party, are you?"

Dad chuckled. "No. I was checking on you." Dad sat down on the bed next to me. He noticed my sketch. "That's nice."

"It's landscape."

"Well, it's still nice."

"Well, the art teacher wants me to explore more subjects. She said the art school is looking for a more personal subject matter."

"I see."

"I'll figure it out."

My dad gave me a reassuring smile, then a hug and kiss on the side of my head. He left as I flipped a page. I couldn't figure out who to use as my subject. It'll come to me.

The following day, I sat down in parenting class. I had my notes for class ready. So, I opened my sketchbook and tried to draw a face.

"If you draw someone, you should capture their qualities."

I glanced at Aiden.


"Each person has unique traits."

"I would, but I've never had a person as a subject matter. Fruit doesn't count."

Aiden chuckled.

"My art teacher said the art school wants a subject that represents a unique perspective. They don't want landscapes." I rolled my eyes.

"Then, if you need a subject, I can help."

I turned and stared at Aiden. He gave me a look.

"You can't be serious."

"Why not?"

"Because you don't do anything of the kindness of your black heart."

Aiden shrugged. "Sometimes, people need help. You helped me the other day. I thought I would return the favor."

"You're serious."

"Yeah, I am."

Before I had a chance to respond, the teacher interrupted us. It was a good thing because Aiden has never done anything nice for anyone.

Aiden & Harlow (Wattpad version)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz