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I hung back with my pack as Bain waited outside of the school. The door opened as a kid stepped outside, lit up a fag, and blew smoke past his lips. I leaned on my handled bars as Bain grabbed the kid and dragged him to me. Bain held the back of the kid's neck.

"It's a shame that someone will cost you your life," I smirked.

"My grandpa will hunt you down," the kid told me.

"Jax doesn't scare me." I glanced at Bain. "Take him to the bar."

Bain nodded. One down, three to go.

I waited as the door to the bar burst open, and Butch dragged a kid inside and tossed him at my feet. The kid groaned, lifted his head, and looked at me. He had a bloody lip, and eyebrow with his wrists zipped tied.

I leaned over the kid. "Butch took it easy on you. I would have done worse." I smirked.

The kid lowered his head as I waited. The bad boys want to fuck with what's mine. Then I'll fuck with them worse. I'm not Blake who had gone soft.

"What's next, Wolf?" Bain asked me.

"Bring me the girl. When we have the three of them, I'll collect the fourth." I lifted the shot glass of tequila to my lips and downed it.

Two down, two to go.


I handed in my art submission but made some changes to it, then grabbed my bag. My phone buzzed, and I saw a text message from Aiden.

Did you hand in your submission? - Aiden

Yeah. The art teacher said I should hear something in a few months. The art committee wants to review all submissions before making a decision. - Me

They would be fools not to accept you. - Aiden

I couldn't help but smile.

I have to stop by the apartment over the garage to find my dad's book before he cuts off my dick. - Aiden

😂 - Me

You wait until later. - Aiden

Good luck with that. - Me

I opened the doors to the school as someone grabbed me, causing me to drop my phone on the ground. I struggled, but the guy overpowered me as darkness skewered my view.

I opened my eyes and blinked, trying to focus. Every time I moved, something cut into the skin around my wrists.

"I wouldn't struggle if I were you. It will only make the binds tighten around your wrists," a deep voice said.


I glanced to see Rebel and Diesel tied to chairs with gags around their mouths and their faces bloody.

A guy crouched in front of me. "I'll enjoy watching your fathers beg for your lives. It won't matter because it won't work."

I stared at the guy.

The guy rose to his feet and strolled away from me. A few minutes later, he returned and shoved Aiden to his knees with Aiden bound and gagged. Blood dripped from Aiden's eyebrow, nose, and the corner of his mouth.

The guy grabbed Aiden's hair and yanked his head so that Aiden faced me. He lowered his face next to Aiden's. "This piece of shit fucked my wife. So, now you and his old man get to watch him die." The guy twisted Aiden's head, so they faced each other. "You weren't expecting the big bad Wolf to catch you. Do you know what the wolf did in fairytales? It ate the person." The guy shoved Aiden from him. "Take these pieces of shit and make them kneel. I want a message sent to their fathers."

A guy nodded and left as someone yanked me from my chair and dragged me away.


I wrenched on a bolt, but it wasn't budging. So, I did what any mature adult would do and whipped them, twisted through a glass pane, and broke it. Damien glanced up from the bike he was fixing.

Roc came out of his office. "What the fuck, Jag?"

"The bolt wasn't budging." I shrugged.

"How about I whip a wrench at your fucking head?"

"It's not like you can't fix the window. I told you to replace it with shattered-proof glass. Plexiglass works wonders." I wagged my finger at Roc.

"Listen, numbnuts. I'm not replacing glass every time you lose your shit."

"Then you will have many broken windows." I nodded.

Damien rolled his eyes as Roc stormed into his office and slammed his office door. The glass in the door cracked.

"One day, Roc will beat the hell out of you," Damien told me.

"Today isn't that day, and tomorrow isn't looking better."

Damien shook his head. I grabbed another wrench from the toolbox. Did you think I would retrieve the wrench I threw? Do I look like a moron? No, because broken glass surrounds the wrench. I'm not my delicate skin for anyone.

I sat down next to the bike, and Damien tossed me the liquid wrench. I caught it and sprayed the bolt. As I loosened the bolt, a motorcycle roared to the shop. Damien and I glanced at one of the dog's puppies. Roc came out of his office as we stood up.

The puppy turned off his bike and leaned on the handlebars.

"Are you lost?" I asked the puppy.

"Wolf sent a message."

I rolled my eyes. "Don't you ever get tired of doing the dog's dirty work?"

"Wolf has something that belongs to you."

Why didn't I like the sound of his comment?

"Wolf wants an audience when he rips out your boy's throat."

Yep, I didn't like his comment.

"Come to Wolf's bar if you want to see your brats."

I glanced at Damien and Roc.

"And don't tell Jax." The puppy started his bike and drove away.

Roc's phone rang, and he answered it. Are you shitting me? The bowser has our kids and Roc's taking a call. What the fuck?

"Yeah, I know. One of the mutt's pack members showed up here! Don't fucking threaten me! I got enough shit to deal with when Jax finds out!" Roc hung up on the person. Then placed another call as he walked out of the shop.

Damien and I followed suit. The mutt better pray we get to him before Jax does. Because I'm sure Jaden called Roc, and Roc is calling Richard. If you thought Roc called Jax, then you're a bigger idiot than that mutt. No one calls Jax unless they want to stop breathing.


I yanked a guy off his bike and beat the hell out of him. Then I shot him in the head. Fucking pions. I put my gun away and strolled over to my bike as Richard ended a phone call. I climbed onto my bike.

"We got a problem," Richard told me.

"Besides this bullshit." I gestured at the limpdick lying on the ground with his brains splattered on the ground.

"Wolf has the kids."

I stared at Richard and narrowed my eyes to a slit.

"The boys are on their way to Wolf's bar."

"I warned Rocco."

"Jax, Jag adores Aiden, and he's crazy." Richard gave me a knowing look.

"Fine. We'll hang back. But if they don't kill this fucker, I will." I started my bike, twisted the handles, and drove away as Richard followed me.

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