Hood Gurl- Vol. 7 *SPECIAL* (Part 2 Of 2)

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*Here is part 2! :D

Chapter 1

- And the story goes on... (Wednesday- Mid June)

*1 Day before Prom*

-Part 2-



"So what did you do today son?" My dad said, as me, my brother, and my sister crowded around the dining table waiting for our chef to bring us our meal. Lobster, with baked potatoes, and corn.

I soon shuffled in my seat uncomfortably, wonderin' how Deniece is doing upstairs in the closet. "Umm... I just- uhhh.."

Kevin looked at me smirking knowing the secret I was trying to hold, while my dad and my sister had no clue.

"Is something the matter?" My dad said sippin his apple cider. He has a mustache on top of his lip, has sort of a ruff shave on his face, he was muscular, strong, and intelligent, which made me more scared of him. He had the same skin tone, and is a lawyer.

"Nah, pops just kinda.. Hungry." How the hell was I gonna fetch a plate for Deniece when were not allowed to bring food up to our rooms?

"Ahhh I see." He said chuckling a bit.

"I got a modeling contract!!!" My sister Cassandra said, happily smiling'.

"Congradulations hun! It will help bring more money into the family.." My pops said.

"I bet Cass is gonna be in a playboy magazine." Kevin said laughing.

"Kevin..." My pops said eyeing him.

"Sorry dad.."

"Anyways, we all are going to L.A. next week to see how your mom is doing, and we gonna be very busy and-"

"WHAT!!!?" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

They soon all looked at me like I had two heads. This shit cant be happenin! I cant go to L.A next week! NO WAY.

"Excuse me?" My dad said confused.

"I mean... uhh uhhh... whatt! that's amazing!" I said lying to myself.

"Great, cause were going to meet dozens of celebrities, the actors whos in the movie your mom will be playing in, and take pictures. This is your mother's big day view, and filming will be done by the time we get there."

"That's awesome dad! I cant wait to meet Halle Berry. Her and mom are good friends." Cassandra said.

"Dinner is serve..." Our chef said coming into the dinning room and gently putting the 3 large boiled lobsters on the middle of the table, putting the potatoes next to it, and the corn in a bowl at the other side.

"Thank you Robert this dinner looks outstanding!" My pops said.

We soon started putting food in our plate. I had to make sure I didn't eat the whole thing. Half for me, half for Deniece. Soon I received a text message on my iPhone from Deniece I soon sneakingly opened up the phone to read what she said:

Me and our baby is hungry come feed us! Now!!!!

I sighed angrily, I was gonna have to make a dumbass excuse to go upstairs to eat.

"Dad... my feet is cramping me... can I go lay down and eat upstairs?"

"You know the rule son... no eating upstairs." He said with his mouthful.

"Dad.... C'mon pops. I really got to."

"Son... if they really killin you go lay on the couch in the living room to eat."

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