00 | Prologue

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Death is the predator we can't escape, but vampires have found the loophole so many of us crave. I think that's the allure of vampirism.

-Sherrilyn Kenyon.


It was a cold and silent night, with stars dotting the dark sky and a full moon casting its glow. The quietness of the night was broken by the sounds of vampires on the hunt, their inhuman speed allowing them to dart through the night with ease. Yet, one vampire paused, his attention drawn elsewhere.

"Can you hear that?"

"Hear what?"

"The wolves. I can hear them howling."

The leader of the vampires came to a halt, his fangs bared, his eyes glowing crimson, veins pulsating beneath the surface. Bathed in moonlight, he had an almost ethereal presence. He raised his voice, alerting the others, "Everyone, wolves are in the vicinity! Prepare for battle!"

Vampires stopped in their tracks, their fangs exposed as they growled, scanning their surroundings for any sign of danger. The distant howling of wolves signaled the approaching threat, and the vampires braced themselves for combat.

"Hoseok, be on your guard!"

One of the vampires named Hoseok panicked, crouching down and covering himself with his hands. But before the wolf could strike, another vampire swiftly killed it and drained its blood.

"Ugh! They weren't kidding when they said wolf blood is revolting. How do they even tolerate such foul blood?"

Hoseok, still shaken, looked up at his savior with astonishment. His eyes widened, and he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"Are you really a vampire? From what I've heard, vampires are supposed to be terrifying."

"Thanks for saving me, Yoongi hyung. And remember, I used to be human."

"Whatever," Yoongi responded nonchalantly.

"Are you two finished? We have to continue hunting," Namjoon interjected.

"Alright, Namjoon," Hoseok replied with a cheerful grin.

Unbeknownst to them, something was amiss. Namjoon glanced around, searching for their youngest member, Jungkook, who was notably missing. He looked over at Jimin and Taehyung, who were playfully wrestling, and Jin had joined them. Namjoon sighed and shouted for their attention.

"Jungkook is missing! We need to find him!"

The urgency in their leader's voice snapped the members back to attention. Their beloved maknae was nowhere to be found.

Jimin took charge, "I'll search that direction for Jungkook. Tae-"

Before he could finish, a voice interrupted him, causing them all to turn in surprise.

"Don't worry, hyung. I'm here. I went to hunt. I heard a deer, and here it is."

Jungkook tossed a deer carcass to the ground, bloodstained from his bites as he killed it. His fellow vampires eyed the prey hungrily; they had been avoiding human blood, and the sight of fresh animal blood stirred their hunger. Jungkook, however, turned his gaze toward the moon with a loving expression. His sudden shift in focus puzzled his fellow vampires.

"What's going on, Jungkook?" Jin inquired with curiosity.

"She's returned, hyung," Jungkook replied with enthusiasm, a wide, radiant smile on his face—a smile his hyungs hadn't seen in decades.

"Who's returned, Jungkook?" Jimin asked, puzzled.

"The one I've been waiting for, for over a century, just to be with her."

── ☾ ──


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