The truth part 2

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I was still so shocked. Matron was now 6 months pregnant. The entire hospital knew and we had to be extra kind to her or we'd get whipped. Matron cuddles me daily now and apparently I am also Cornell Brigwell's baby.
It's going to be weird having a sibling. I'm going to treat them with lots of love. I'm going to miss them those 5 years when they are in the country with foster parents. Hopefully they ends up going to Peg and John's. If they go, I'll tell Peg, John, Eliza, Rosie and Jem that we are related and to treat us well. I just wish that Jem will treat them as well as he treated me. I wonder if they will have fiery red hair like me. I hope so.                                     I am getting to the point of adoring my red hair. I don't care if people think I am the spawn of Satan, I wil at least have self confidence. Matron is so nice to me. She keeps talking about me and my soon to be sibling. She says that she'll make sure that we spend as much time together as possible.                                                        I already have a position when I am 14. I am going to be Matron's supervisor which is a big job but Matron thinks that I will do amazing at it. My hair is so long. It is down to my bottom now. I love plaiting it. I have the longest hair in the hospital because everyone else hacks at it with the darning scissors. I think that is a stupid thing to do. Anyways I love my hair. Red hair and blue eyes match like scones and tea.                                       Chores are getting a lot harder. One day one of the younger ones vomited EVERYWHERE and we had to clean it. It was disgusting. I was excused halfway through to help her clean up herself and get her to the Infirmary. Afterwards she told me that she was Eliza. She was my foster sister. Her normal long straight hair now a fluffy mess atop her head. She had the treatment to tame the nit outbreak. She was crying and very nervous. It was clear that she had just arrived and the nervousness had resulted in her vomiting.

I am matron's child- Hetty Feather fanficWhere stories live. Discover now