My Pregnancy Pt2

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A/n Sorry for the lack of updates, I have endured a high bout of Anxiety. I'm getting better now, however and would like to continue writing again 💜love you all. Can't wait to continue updating xxx

This pregnancy has been rougher than my first. I was bigger as my skin was already stretched from the twins. I was scared of catching influenza this winter, since I'm with child. I stayed locked up, with little Harriet and Hazel. I was excited to be a mother again, since I loved looking after a newborn. I was praying that it was just one baby though, however since I didn't want to be a mum-to- four at 18.

Today, I helped my mum with the hospital, since she is 35 weeks pregnant, she is extremely tired. I'm 30.5 weeks, approximately a month less pregnant. I have been extremely careful with the current epidemic. I'm now exhausted and heavily pregnant and dreaming about food. I love food. Where would I be without food?              

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