Life after the hospital

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Timeskip of 3 years

It's been a while now. I left the hospital 2 years ago, since me and Mathias wanted to spend sometime outside of the hospital.

Me and my family live in a large  cottage in the countryside, very close to the Cotton's. We visit the Cotton's every weekend.

I have recently got the job of a teacher for children who are less fortunate than others and provide them with an outstanding education.

I have 3 children, but I am planning to have a fourth very very soon. In fact me and Mathias are actively trying for a baby so I guess we'll have to just wait and see what happens.

Mathias is now a doctor. He makes rather a lot of money, 50 shillings a year. I make 40 shillings a year. 90 shillings altogether leaves us very comfortable. (£7.50 in pounds,$85 in USD,which would have been classed as a lot back then.)

My two eldest daughters are now in school. Since I teach, I have been able to let them go to the school I teach at since it is easier for travel expenses.

My mother comes to see us once a year at Christmas. She always looks forward to these visits.

My sister is now 9 with long flowing Auburn locks. She looks just like I did when I was her age. She fills me with this feeling of nostalgia. I miss seeing her everyday but everyone grows old, and has to move on. Running after hundreds of kids at 20 is NOT fun.

I am matron's child- Hetty Feather fanficWhere stories live. Discover now