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Dedicated to a wonderful and inspiring girl, Lucy.


It is about 6 hours before the commence of what is supposedly going to be the best night of my life. Julia is extremely ecstatic about the fact that I will be attending my first dance at Maple Ridge High. Although, I do not see the real significance of these type of occasions, I have certainly been persuaded to go. But by persuaded I mean that I was given the, "I'm Your Friend and Want to Hang Out With You." Speech, and there was said to be free food. Besides the fact, I guess I might find some enjoyment in going to the dance and you could say that I am somewhat excited to attend. Though I do feel a bit nervous.

There are still a couple of preparations to be made, but for the moment, Julia and I are trying to decide what we are going to eat for lunch.

"Pizza? I can order pizza!" Julia exclaims, holding up her phone. "Um, why don't we just make sandwiches?" I suggest, considering that fact that we've been eating a lot of pizza for the last couple of days.

"Yeah, that's a good idea, too," she mumbles and we start setting up a miniature sandwich bar.

"Where's the Mayo?" she asks while rummaging through the refrigerator. "I know we have it somewhere." I hear her state and I turn to see her with a look of confusion on her face.

"It's right in front of you, Julia," I tell her as I reach over and grab the container out of the fridge, chuckling. "Right," she responds while glaring at the spot the Mayo was in.

Kind of like dad, I think with a sigh. I put the Mayonnaise on the kitchen island and immediately try to stop thinking about him.
This is a happy day, that will be filled with carefree events, and untroubled thoughts! There is just no room for sad memories. I assert myself.

Julia gathers the rest of the ingredients as I set down some plates. "Okay!" Julia claps her hands together and I sit down. Unexpectedly, she snatches some bread off of the island and offers to toast it.

My eyes go wide, "No!" I jump to my feet and take the bread out of her hand. "We don't want a repeat of last time," I state while walking over to our brand new silver toaster and putting the bread in.

Julia flashes me a sheepish grin, "I've been practicing."

I give her a reassuring smile and a pat on the shoulder. "I know Julia, I know."

"Well, Bon appétite!" she says when the toast pops out of the toaster.

After having our usual chat about our day, we finish eating lunch and wash the dishes.

"Be ready by 7:00 Tessa, okay?"she reminds me after we are done. "Okay," I respond, drying my hands off, "See you later!"

I rush upstairs to my room and sit at my desk. I grab my blue journal and pen, and then check the time. Okay, I have about 6 hours. Let's do this.

Excitedly, I open my journal and flip to a crisp, clean page. I contemplate how to begin my entry before I start to write. Suddenly an idea popped into my head.

Instead of writing about how my day went, today, why don't I write a little story. It all started terribly a bit like this...

Hello my peasants. Don't die and keep reading cause I'm gonna teach you how to live. (Jk I don't even have a life myself.) but seriously this is a fictional story so if you want someone to tell you how to live then you should go to a trusted adult or... something...



What not


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