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Chapter 4||How To Introductions

By the time Tessa reached her Precalculus class, the bell had already rung. She wasn't looking forward to any awkward introductions so she hoped that the teacher would spare her the embarrassment. She had looked through the door's little window to make sure her teacher wasn't facing in her direction before she silently opened the door and stepped into the classroom, which caused several student to stare at her and start whispering. She tried as quietly as possible to get to the back of the class while her teacher was writing down something on the chalkboard.

Tessa froze as soon as she heard a voice coming from the front of the class. "Miss Reynolds, I presume. Nice of you to join us, you're late." Mrs. Williams stated, putting down the chalk and turning to face her. Tessa cringed, knowing she was caught and quickly apologized, "I'm sorry Mrs. Williams, I had trouble finding the class."

The teacher sighed, "I suppose I could excuse your tardiness, this once. You are lucky you're new or I wouldn't be letting you off so easily, I trust this won't happen again?"

"Yes ma'am, won't happen again." Tessa replied politely.

"Good, why don't you come and introduce yourself to the class." Mrs. Williams said, waving Tessa to the front of the class.

Tessa self-consciously walked to the front of the class, getting an uneasy feeling from everyone's stares. She fiddled with the charm bracelet on her wrist, something she did when she was feeling nervous. "Um, my name's Tessa Reynolds and I'm transferring from Maple Ridge High school and um, that's... it." she trailed off.

"Okay, then" Mrs. Williams exclaimed, clasping her hands together, "I hope you all make Miss Reynolds feel welcomed at Riverside High. Tessa, why don't you take a seat so we can get started with this lesson."

Tessa looked at her first two options which were seats almost all the way in the front of the class. Uh, no. She thought to herself. She scanned the room for another seat more in the back but the only one she found was one more in the middle of the class, behind Aaron. He sat there with a arrogant smirk on his face. She scrunched her nose in distaste and looked back at her other two options. One was next to a boy with glasses who was glaring at her, daring her to sit next to him, and the other next to a girl who was idly picking at her nail polish.

Tessa walked to the seat next to the girl. The girl quickly stopped destroying her nails and slapped her hand on the chair Tessa was about to sit in. "This one's taken." she said.


Tessa scoffed at the girl. "By who?" Tessa inquired.

The girl rolled her eyes, "It's taken."

Snickers sounded from the middle of the room. Tessa narrowed her eyes at the girl but didn't want to start anything so, left the little dispute at that. She turned around to go to another seat and pain suddenly exploded from her side. She clenched her teeth and held the side of her hip that hit the corner of the desk. "Hey, watch where you're going," one of her new, obviously caring classmates spat out at her, "Klutz."

More chuckles erupted throughout the class. Irritated,Tessa walked to the seat next to the formerly glaring boy, with a scowl on her face. She put her bag next to the chair and sat down. She looked up to see that Mrs. Williams saw none of what just happened, or if she did she was ignoring it. As class went on Tessa felt like she was constantly being stared at. Then, she overheard a conversation between two girls.

"Oh my God, she is such a loser. I just don't get it." A brunette girl complains.

"Yeah, why is he even interested in her, she's not even that pretty?" Comments her fiery red-haired friend.

"Ugh, it's not fair. I try so very hard to get his attention and in comes the new girl, hogging all the spotlight. I mean come on! She even dresses like a nobody, like a total outcast." The brunette whines, and her redhead friend nods in agreement. Knowing they were talking about her, this made Tessa look down at her choice of clothes and frowned in confusion. She wore a pair of ripped jeans, black converse and a leather jacket which covered her light-blue shirt. She didn't think anything was wrong with her outfit.

Tessa found her self becoming a bit self-conscious, again. She had also found herself being pissed at the girls. Who were they to judge? Why the hell did they have nothing better to do than to talk about what she was wearing?

You know those "What if" moments where you look back and wish that you would have said something different or even just did anything to have produced a better outcome. Yeah, well, that was one of those moments for Tessa. She wanted to turn around and tell those two girls off but, sadly, she couldn't. She wasn't as sassy and witty as some of the girls in movies. Tessa didn't know what she would say and would probably get herself in trouble so, she decided to not say anything at all.

But, as class continued, so did the conversation between the two girls. It became harder for Tessa to keep her silence as they talked about her like she wasn't there, Tessa didn't think of her self as a nobody. Okay, maybe she was kind of a loser, having no friends and being the new girl, but it wasn't like she was going to walk into the school and become instantly popular like she was Allison Argent or something. Just as she whipped around to face the girls and started to open her mouth, someone interrupted her.

"Uh, you might not want to do that." the boy sitting next to her spoke up. "Oh, really? And why's that." Tessa spat out and pivoted her body to face him.
"Trust me. You already have enough trouble with Blondie Bitch. Yeah, I heard the rumors. Don't want to make any more enemies do you?" He said.

Tessa sighed and instantly knew he was talking about Aubrey, "No." She replied and turned back to the board without another word.

Sorry for weird updating schedule and unskilled writing :/






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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2016 ⏰

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