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Chapter 3//How To Have A Cliché Morning Part 2

Tessa had hurried away from the scene as fast as possible. She quickly entered the school and went to the main office to get her schedule. "Um, excuse me." she started to say to the lady at the front desk. "I'm a new student and was wondering who I go to, to get my schedule?"

The lady looked away from her computer screen and directed her attention to Tessa, "I can help you with that. What is your name?"

"Tessa Reynolds." she replied.

"Okay, I'll get right on it." the receptionist informed her and began to type away at her computer.

Tessa looked around the room and saw a few other empty desks around her. She spotted the usual plants at the front door, although fake. There were more doors at the back of the room, behind the front desk, that lead to smaller offices and rooms. It all looked like a regular school office to Tessa.

"All done." the lady said, after printing out Tessa's Schedule.

"Thanks..." Tessa started as she was handed her schedule, "...Mrs. Hile." she finished after reading the name plate on her desk.

"Oh, no problem, sweetheart. You'll have a wonderful time here, trust me. I'll see you around." Mrs. Hile told her with a nod and an assuring smile. Tessa thought it was strange how Mrs. Hile sounded so certain of this. Like she was able to predict the future. Tessa doubted she would have a wonderful time there, it's high school.

"Sure." Tessa responded with a skeptical look. She turned and left the room, then went on to go find her locker.

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Tessa walked down the school hallway only to be blatantly talked about, pointed and stared at by a couple of people. Luckily most of them just ignored her and continued with whatever they were doing.

"Hey, that's the new girl." a girl pointed out.
"Damn, she's got guts. I heard that she tried to flirt with Aaron and then went up against Aubrey."
"Yeah, she'll probably be transferring outta here by the end of the month. I feel sorry for her, Aubrey's gonna give her hell." she replied.

"Woah, the newbie's kinda hot." one guy said to his friends. "I'd tap that." His friend replied. "I mean, she's alright, I guess."

Tessa had heard the last conversation and scoffed.

"LOL. Some of these people don't have a fucking life, so what, there is a fucking new girl." a boy said, rummaging through his locker. "Her name is Tessa, I heard her talking at the Main Office. Some people have nothing better to do than spread rumors and make others feel bad."

The news about a new girl was already being spread like wildfire by the time Tessa reached her locker. Tessa wondered if her life could get any more cliché. First, bumping to the gorgeous popular. Then, getting pounced on by his angry girlfriend, also known as the queen bee of the sophomore class. And now, walking through the hall as people made up ridiculous rumors and stared at her. She hoped it would all go away soon.

A group of guys were standing in front of Tessa's locker when she found it.
"Guys, could you please move, you're standing in front of my locker." she asked. All but one of them ignored her and continued there discussion. When Tessa saw that one of them took notice that she was there, she gave him a look for help.

"Hey guys, we should to get to class, the bell's going to ring soon." he told his friends. They said their quick goodbyes and did there handshakes before they went away. "Thanks," Tessa mumbled to the guy before going to open her locker. "No problem, I'm Caleb." he responded leaning against the locker next to Tessa's, which happened to be his. As Caleb stared at Tessa, she hastily took the things she didn't need out of her brown messenger bag and put them in her locker. "Well, nice meeting you." she said, closing her locker and turning to leave to class. Caleb quickly moved in front of her, "So, you got a name?" he asked. Tessa rolled her eyes, of course she had a name, that line always irked her. But she answered anyway. "It's Tessa," she replied with a sigh.

"So, I'll see you around Tessa." he said with a small smirk.

"I guess so." Tessa gave him very forced, and very fake smile before moving around him and walking to class.

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