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Chapter song:
Goodbye To A World slowed + Reverb - (song) Poter Robinson, (remix) Suzuki

Characters: Zak (Skeppy), Darryl (BBH, BadBoyHalo), Nicholas - Nick (Sapnap)
Side characters: Clay (Dream), George (GeorgeNotFound, GNF), Alexis (Quackity, Ducky), Chat/Donos(?)

Bit of info:
-Skeppy and Bad live together now
-Sapnap is Bad’s son, but he lives with Karl and Alexis
-Skeppy keeps Bad company
-Skeppy has a bad habit of talking while chewing food
-Skeppy and Bad have been dating for 5 months

TW: Character Death, BBH/Sapnap crying, choking
It was a semi-normal day, Bad was streaming with Dream, George, and Sapnap, constantly shouting “LANGUAGE!!” at the top of his lungs when they would curse. But it was a bit different, Skeppy had recently moved in with Bad two days ago. They had just finished setting up the diamond boy’s streaming room. Skeppy was watching Bad from the doorway, leaning on the door frame, he smiled a bit when he heard Nick cuss, making Bad visibly angry.
“SAPNAP LANGUAGE!” Bad screeched, shifting in his chair, obviously grinning.
The demon sighed, shaking his head with a chuckle.
“I’m going to end the stream here. I have to make dinner.” Bad waved to his screen, chat going crazy with “Bye!” ’s, “No don’t end it yet!! ;-;” ’s, “k” ’s, and many more. Darryl giggled. “Bye chat! Bye guys.” He shifted, his character crouching, then hitting the air, facing everyone else.
“Bye Bad!”
“Buh bye.”
Bad left the voice chat, then said bye to chat again, ending his stream - at least...that’s what he thought he did… (Classic.)
Bad looked at Skeppy, smiling. “Hey, Muffin.” Zak walked over to Bad, giving him a small, yet loving, kiss.
“Hi..” Zak smiled, then pulled Darryl off his chair. “What’s for dinner, lovely?
Darryl giggled. “I was thinking steak...with rolls! And muffins for dessert!”
“Sounds good.”
Darryl gently took Zak’s hand in his own, intertwining his fingers with the younger’s. Bad lead Skeppy into the kitchen, then let go of his hand, reaching for a pan.
“How long do you think it’ll take?” Skeppy asked, sitting in one of the bar stools that sat neatly in front of the counter, overlooking the kitchen.
“Not long, maybe an hour or so.”
The older started his mission,
make food for the two of them.

-Time skip brought to u by Gogy’s cooking-

Darryl set the food on the counter, sitting next to Skeppy.
“Wow, Dar, this looks good!” Skeppy grinned, kicking his feet like a toddler. Darryl giggled, grabbing his fork, then his knife.
“Hey, Darry? Didn’t you say you were like...really good with knives or something?” Zak looked at his lover, holding his own knife in his hand, twirling it in his fingers.
“Yeah, I used to throw them - er - for fun...not to harm anyone of..course…”
Bad was telling the truth. He did throw knives but...not just for fun, he also did it in contests - someone would be standing with an apple on their head and another would throw a knife at it - or something like that. Darryl would always go with his opposite, whom he claimed to be his brother, GoodBoyHalo.
“Can you show me? Here - I’ll get a target.” Zak started to stand, only to be pulled down by a hand, Darryl’s hand.
“No...Skeppy - not now. I -” Bad paused “I..gave up on it - a while ago...so I could play Minecraft with you..and the rest of the SMP…”
“That doesn’t mean you can’t still do it!!”
“Skeppy - I’m just not...comfortable with it...anymore..”
Once, on his last competition, he threw the knife - it did something he didn’t want to happen. It went in the wrong direction. He didn’t think much of it as he made this mistake a lot...that is..until he heard a scream - he had hit someone. He ran, along with Good, they couldn’t handle people getting hurt.
That day Bad went home sobbing. Sapnap - who was around 12 at the time - asked what was wrong. “You’re father’s a murderer, Nick, I...I killed a man..!
Bad never trusted himself alone with a knife again. Every time he used a knife, someone had to be there. Most of the time it was Sapnap - I mean, he lived with him after all, but once Sapnap moved out and Skeppy moved in, it was Skeppy’s turn to be the victim.
“Awe...okay…” Skeppy stabbed his fork into a bit of the steak, shoving it into his mouth, then pulling out an empty fork. “Wow I was right this is really-” He started to cough, violently.
“SKEPPY?!” Bad dropped his fork, looking at the dark-haired boy.
Skeppy continued to cough, holding his throat.
Bad didn’t know what to do, suddenly Skeppy...dropped.
Bad screamed, pulling Skeppy up.
Skeppy sat silently, his lifeless body sitting there, in Bad’s arms.

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