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Not entirely convinced that you had actually been seduced by the woman who is soon to be your boss, you head home with a head full of circulating thoughts. But it felt so real... her soft lips pressed against your own, her fingers digging into the delicate flesh of your thighs...

You sigh. You don't need to be thinking about it when you're trying to focus on not crashing your car. You pull up outside your apartment block and try to pull yourself together before having to face Jonathan, your over-zealous roommate. The hike up the stairs to the third floor feels longer than usual due to your busy mental state that wants your body to run at the same 100 mph speed as your brain.

You've barely turned the door handle when you are viciously attacked by a wild Jonathan, who informs you that he was parading around the whole building in drag all day without a single compliment on his new manicure. You groan and push him off you, murmur something about sharp nails and head to the small kitchen to make yourself some food.

"I got these nails for my performance on Saturday," Jonathan says happily, watching as you put some water in the kettle and take out a packet of noodles. "And I have planned everything perfectly."

"I'm sure it'll be great, Jon, but I am really tired and confused right now," you say, switching on the kettle.

"Oh! How did your interview go?"

"Well... I think I might get the job but the interview itself was..."

Just the thought of Stefani standing over you makes you shiver.

"What happened?" Jonathan asks, leaning on the kitchen counter.

"I... I don't know. But I think, um, Ms Germanotta, Stefani, the uh boss... yeah. You know?" you turn to face him and gesture wildly with your hands. "She was very pretty..."

"Ohhh, I see," Jonathan smirks knowingly. He pats your shoulder in a way that would be patronising if it were anyone else. "Well that settles it hmm."

"Settles what?" you ask. You're a little scared of what Jonathan is thinking.

"You should totally ask her out, though. Did she seem to like you?"

You groan slightly. A moment or two of silence passes, broken only by the increasingly aggressive bubbling of the kettle, which finishes boiling, allowing you to continue making food. You pour the liquid into a pot with the noodles and stick it in the microwave.

"Seems is interesting, ha, because erm, well... it's not important."

"Sweetie, you can't just say that and expect me to leave you alone," Jonathan grins. He snatches a pink feather boa draped over the back of a chair and wraps it around your neck. "Spill the tea."

"I don't even know, Jon. One minute she was behind her desk, the next she was sitting in my lap and then back at her desk? I don't know-"

"Wait! Wait wait. What?"

"I don't know!" you cry in exasperation.

"Ask her out anyway?" Jonathan suggests. You pull out a chair from the table and sit with your head in your hands. "OK, not a great solution. Maybe you should talk to her away from a professional environment?"

"God, why can you be so serious at times and at others the world's biggest clown?" you mumble.

"Get you someone who does both," Jonathan chuckles. "For real though, you should talk to her."

"I'll do it after I know I've got the job," you say. "But I doubt I'll be able to stop thinking about her..."

"Sounds like quite the day, hmm? Oh, your noodles are done."

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