Knights of Lore: Into Darkness (@Illness_of_mind)

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Knights of Lore: Into DarknessWrath (@Illness_of_mind)COMPLETEDReviewed: 15 June 2021

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Knights of Lore: Into Darkness
Wrath (@Illness_of_mind)
Reviewed: 15 June 2021


Seven hundred years ago, they came and almost wiped humanity out of existence.

Now, they've returned to finish what they started all these years ago.

The extermination of mankind.

Welcome to Lore. A massive world full of mystery, wonder, breath-taking and hazardous landscapes. With the use of mana, humanity has rebuilt its civilizations to be better than before the invasion, even fusing mana with tech. Still, things are far from peaceful. Criminals and a species that use humans as cattle call Lore home. It's up to the Order of Knights to keep humanity safe.

Kariah-Belle Nadire dreams of taking her seat on the council and keeping the citizens of the four nations safe. She is looking forward to climbing through the ranks of the Order of Knights to prove herself worthy of her birthright. Along the way, she just brings the man who leads the massacre on her branch to justice.

After an unfortunate turn of events, she and her best friend, Akio Stoneheart, finally become Knights, and Kariah is apprenticed under Iris Elocipse, a Holy Knight of high renown. Her new squadmates, Aya Felicity and Kaden have already started making a name for themselves. Upon meeting Kaden, Kariah-Belle suspects she isn't the lone survivor everyone thought and as the two get closer, things once hidden in the dark are brought to light.

Her chaotic world becomes even more so when the Darkness, a powerful alien race returns to eradicate all life on the planet.

In a world of dangerous wildlife, criminal organizations, a mysterious race of vampires, and now the Darkness, Kariah-Belle will need her friends both old and new to survive.

Book one of the Knights of Lore series.

Cover was done by @Amanda-Mae

Nicky's Review:

Opening (8/10):
Cover (2/2)
I like the cover. It is very adventure and knight-like. The darkness of the background shows the danger of the book and foreshadows the possible danger ahead. The female knight on the cover, which I would assume to be Kariah-Belle, sets an image in the reader's mind about the main character. The background also sets the setting and the vibes of the story. The font of the title of the book is very knight-like. While it is not new, the color and the font match well with the cover. Part of the cover cannot be seen very well because of the color contrast, but that is not a big deal

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