Finally Back [?]

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Hello! I've finally gotten around to updating this guide. Recently I have been dealing with the stress of school, work, and personal life issues. I am greatly sorry for the lack of updates and how it seems like I completely abandoned this project. To be completely honest, I kinda lost motivation for this guide. I originally started this project in 2019 [wow] when I was around 13-14. I am currently 16; juggling the stress of my first job and school. Since I had grown extremely since when I started this project, updating this guide had started feeling like a chore. I've also begin to notice how sloppy my past updates were and honestly don't feel like editing them, so sorry for the poorly made chapters.

Although, like most rain storms, this story has a rainbow at the end. I will continue to update when I make time for it, as I am currently trying to revive my account and post some stuff I actually enjoy writing about. Below will be a quick summary of my life, and the future of this guide. You can of course skip over my personal update if you want but I would suggest you take a look at what will become of this project.

This will mainly be a follow-up to my last update: "😅 update?". No, I haven't come out to my parents as transmasc yet, but that is mainly because I'm waiting for myself to be in a stable position in case anything is to go wrong. Luckily, I have my few best friends that were there for me during these hard times. I am so thankful for them, seeing as they have tried so hard for me to feel welcomed and become myself. On a side note, I have been going to therapy for personal reason I wish not to touch on, but I had completely come out to her. She understood and we are currently working on ways for me to come clean with my parents.

There isn't much else I plan to do for this guide. There's not much material to make as much as 10 more updates. Although, I will be trying my best to find topics to continue. But I do believe that this guide will soon reach its end. Mainly because I feel as If I touched on enough of the topic, and because I am starting to get bored while working on this project. As I briefly talked about before: working on this has started feeling like a chore. I lack enough energy to continue at a steady pace which is one of the many reasons I don't update much. Most of the time I begin a chapter and completely avoid finishing it for around a month. This is definitely a problem of mine, but because of this, one day I might just finish it without touching many more issues.

Other than that, I will try my best to add more to this project. I don't know if I've just been repeating words this whole time; I am currently very tired. So, I'm going to end it here. Thank you for reading this and I wish you a good rest of your day.

[PS: I updated the wrong definition for bisexual in "5 Things To Know About Pansexuality", thank you for bring attention to my mistake and correcting me! Also sorry I didn't fix it sooner.]

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