5 Things To Know About Pansexuality

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Pansexual is not that same as bisexual

Pansexual means to be attracted to someone without caring about ones gender as bisexual means to be attracted to multiple genders.

Pansexuals are not attracted to all people

Even though a pansexual person likes all genders doesn't mean they are attracted to everyone they encounter. It's like saying a straight female is attracted to all men they see.

Pansexual is not a new term

According to Oxford English Dictionary the term pansexual has been around since the 1900's. It's current definition has been around since the 1960's.

Pansexuality is not rare

People are becoming more educated on nonbinary identity's and bisexuality, Which means that it won't be to long till people all over the world know what pansexuality means.

Pansexuality is not a trend

You might think that the only reason a person is pansexual is because it's a trend but your wrong. Even though there might be at least one person like that it doesn't mean all people are like that. Also many people don't know about pansexuality just yet.

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