3 Myths About Pansexuality

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1. Pansexuality Isn't Real
Pansexuality is most definitely real! Many people believe pansexuality isn't real and is just a special phrase for bisexual or for a confused gay. Oh, and a quick tip, don't say this to a pansexual.

2. Pansexuality Means You'll Date/Sleep With Anyone
This is not true! Pansexuality does not mean we will date anyone! We have standards too! Also a common mistake many people make is that Pansexual means you like many people at the same time but that's not true. The real definition of pansexuality is to not care about ones gender when thinking about dating someone.

3. Coming Out As Pansexual Would Be Horrible
Many people are afraid of coming out as pansexual because of how many bad things people say about it. Trust me, coming out as pansexual is not horrible. Of course, my family supports me and I know that some people don't have as supportive parents and are afraid of being made fun of. You don't have to come out but trust me, once you do you will feel like a giant weigh was lifted!

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