A Grave Mistake Part 4: Waking Up Dead

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The intense pain and head splitting confusion, gives way to a deep seeded sense of fear that overtakes my body, leaving me stiff and unmoving. My first instinct is to open my eyes, but I can't, instead I am trapped in a sea of pitch black darkness, surrounding me completely, save for a few quick flashes of green at the edges of my vision, though subtle and barely there for a second. The presence of green light grows in my sights, until I finally manage to open my eyes and find myself surrounded by an endless green void.

My direct surroundings seem to be completely empty, but I can see a few complex structures in the distance in every direction that I look, which I take note of as I spin around in a confused circle. Eventually, common sense hits me and I hurriedly check my body for any wounds, finding none, but noticing something odd as I take stock of the suit I'm wearing, confused by the black body and white gloves. "Wasn't this thing white before?" I ask to no one in particular as I stare down at the inverted suit that covers my body.

"Danny!" My mother's voice snaps me out of my trance and back into reality. I spring up out of my position on the ground, groaning as I feel the force of the ghost portal effecting my whole body, but when I look down, I notice that I'm still wearing the weird suit. Ignoring that problem for now, I collapse back onto the floor and wave my hand in the air.

"Over here mom..." I sigh, my voice barely above a whisper, while a wave of exhaustion hits me like a ton of bricks. "Please help me..." In a last ditch effort of self-preservation, I call out to my mother, feeling the last of my energy drain away with those words.

"Danny? Are you down here?" I hear mom calling to me again, but don't have anymore strength left in me as I sit motionless on the cold metal of the machine. "Where did he run off to?" The only thing that I can move at this point are my eyes which slowly move around the room, taking in all of the excruciating details of the room despite the darkness, and I remember the moment just before I passed out, when the machine was about to explode, and considering the state that the room is in, it looks like it blew up despite my best efforts to contain it. I hear mom traipse across the room, crunching broken glass beneath her feat as dad tries to turn on the light switch behind her.

"The lights aren't working honey," dad states.

"I've got a flashlight, dear," she responds sweetly, turning on the light and nearly blinding me with its sudden presence. "It's such a mess down here!" The shock in her voice leads me to believe that she wasn't expecting anything when she came down here.

Did they seriously not hear the basement explode?

"Must've been the ghosts!" Dad shouts grumpily.

"This is one mess that we can't blame on the ghosts, Jack," mom corrects him. "I didn't see him leave, did you?"

"Must've slipped out when we weren't looking, probably went to Tucker's house," Dad responds. Frustrated, I try to call out to them again, but my words don't come out. Finally, the lights in the room switch back on, and I fully expect them to see my body lying on the ground.

"Oh my god, Jack!" Mom yells. "You really left a mess! No wonder Danny didn't want to stay down here."

They can't see me?

"I promise I'll clean it all up," he reassures her, though it's only wishful thinking, especially since I completely destroyed most of the room. By some miracle, though, the portal around me seems unharmed. I manage to turn my head to a more comfortable position on its side where my reflection startles me, or lack thereof. Alarmed, I reach a shaking hand up in front of my face and see that there is nothing there.

"WHAT THE FUCK?" My voice echoes off the walls, startling my parents, who pull out ghost guns from their matching utility belts.

"Who's there?" Mom tries to rationalize the situation. Meanwhile, dad jumps to the most extreme conclusion immediately.

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