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Hello! I am so glad to have gotten the experience to share this story with you and I thank you so much for reading. Unfortunately, I won't be updating this any more. I originally started writing this story a few years ago, but for a while, I didn't really feel like writing it anymore and I couldn't understand why. The reason, I realized was because I didn't like the story I had created anymore. I was proud of it, sure, but I didn't like where it was headed and created it on a shaky foundation to begin with. In the beginning, I honestly didn't even know who the main ship was gonna be. Now, I am much more confident in the potential of the story and where I want it to go, but for me to do that, I can't work on the unstable foundation that I've already laid. For that reason, I am going to be rewriting the story, start to finish and will slowly be publishing it on all the different fanfiction platforms that I am on, including this one. Although I have new plans for the series, I also recognize that others may prefer the original version, or might just want to keep it around, so while I won't be leaving it up here on Wattpad, it will stay up on my AO3 and tumblr accounts if you would like to read it there. Thank you again for reading and I hope to see you back here soon with the new version of this series.

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